Chapter Two: The Truth

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Sky's POV:

My mom said "she needed to talk to me alone". I walked into my bedroom and she followed me. She said "have you ever turned into a fox of some sort" and I asked "why". She said "because we are fox shifters and the rarest kind". I asked her "is that why I have a voice in my head" and she said "yes". She then asked "what is her name" and I said "Magenta". She said "that's pretty and that I will have a mate". I asked "what is a mate" and she said "a mate is like a soul mate,it's the other half of you,most werewolves and shifters can't live if they reject you". I asked "is that why I felt a connection to Xavier" and she said "maybe". She said "tell him that you are a fox shifter. He may know,but I know he thinks you don't know". When I came down stairs he was sitting on the couch. It looked like he was almost asleep. I went and sat down next to him. He noticed when I put my arm on his shoulder. We both jumped when we felt sparks. My mom mouthed the words that means you are mates. I said "did you feel those sparks" and he said "yeah" in a weird tone. I asked him "do you know what mates are" and he looked shocked. He said "yes,but how do you"? I said "my parents just told me the truth that I am a fox shifter". He said "oh" and I said to my fox "is he my mate" and she said "ours and yes he is". I asked her "will he go on a date with us if I ask" and she said "probably since we are his mate". I told her "thanks" and saw that he fell asleep on the couch. I looked in the kitchen and saw my mom cleaning the dishes. I said "mom" and she came over to me and smiled. I asked "can I bring him to my room to sleep" and she said "I guess if you promise to go to bed". Magenta took over and told my mom "she will not do anything,but I can't promise that I won't". My mom didn't looked shocked,but I knew I was. My mom said "I didn't say Magenta did I" this seemed to anger Magenta. She growled at my mom and my mom's eyes changed to a bright purple. She growled and I saw out of the corner of my eye that Xavier was awake no. He had a shocked expression. My mom said "do not disrespect me Magenta. You are not an alpha". The voice did not seem like it was my mom. Magenta said "well at least I have wings and I bet you don't". She shocked me I would never say that. This is not the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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