Dust in the Cosmos

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Sometimes the passage of time can feel like an illusion. Popstar is a magnet for this phenomenon. Where events of any kind are few and far between, time can feel like it's blending together. Individual days become indistinct, and whenever that happens, it means life is good. The occasional prank or small annoyance with a customer at the souvenir shop was all Magolor could really think of to complain about, and he was responsible for a large amount of the former. Even though time was moving forward, it felt as though it was at a standstill. Perhaps the discontent came from all that was unresolved about his past. He'd searched for the facility that allegedly still existed, but couldn't find it. Susie had to know something, but he hadn't seen her since the invasion, and he didn't particularly want to.

One night, he decided to look through a few of the logs he'd written again. Maybe with the new information and ideas, some of them would be put in a different perspective.


My name is Magolor, I think. After an amount of time that I can't measure, I stumbled on a portal that led me to this ship. It seems sort of safe here, and familiar in a way that I can't quite put my finger on. I need some time to gather my thoughts, and will write again when I can get a handle on my situation.


I'm on a planet called "Halcandra". The people I remember knowing have disappeared from my life entirely. All I have for sure in the world is this abandoned ship, which is called the Lor Starcutter. I don't know how I know that, but I do. I know far more about this place than I should, so maybe this is where I lived before I lost my memory. I have eaten more in the last two days than in the two weeks before I got here combined. Good thing I found that robot with the large amounts of those "instant noodles" things. They aren't too bad.


I apologize for not writing in a while. I've been going over things I found in here and cleaning up the ship. Whoever was in here knew so much about the universe and where it came from. Nothing about me, though. And If I was the one who wrote all that, I probably would have that knowledge already. Halcandra is a bit of a wasteland. Surely there must be some planets out there with more resources. I need to stock up on some food, and finding that here is difficult.

Across all the logs, there wasn't anything that really pulled Magolor in any particular direction. A few things that felt a bit odd, but nothing that really felt like an answer. Time passed. He visited Castle Dedede, being treated more cordially with every visit. Time passed. Some people questioned why he was always reluctant to go outside in winter, each being given a different incorrect answer. Time passed. He missed Taranza every moment they weren't together. Time passed. He got a few history lessons from the Lor about her old captain from millennia ago. Time passed. Time passed. Time passed. Then, something changed.

It was around the point where the huge fortress landed on Popstar that Magolor noticed what was up. Apparently Marx had already noticed something was happening and had been helping out every now and then. This was a kind of adventure that Kirby needed help from his friends on, and apparently Magolor was included in that. He helped out Kirby and some of his other friends when they battled Flamberge, in Sector C, Planet Caverna, Blizzno Moon, and Star Lavadom. Those last two were the only ones he cared to remember. Taranza noticed how much he disliked being on Blizzno Moon, and tried to be as encouraging as possible. He still wasn't enjoying himself, but seeing Taranza's efforts made him happy. Star Lavadom, on the other hand, had him going with Kirby, Meta Knight, and Susie. It was the absolute worst combination of people to be assembled, unless the goal is to get someone killed.

As Magolor was leaving, he noticed something far off in the distance. It looked like a station. Perhaps... a facility? He decided he would investigate it once all was said and done. There might still be more, after all. He was right to wait on it, as he needed to lead a few people through a segment of Another Dimension. Once that was done, he put together a file of all the information he had, and set off to the strange station.

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