Y/N: As always

She put her lips on his once more and the girls were kinda jelaous at girl who was kissing the most hottest guy on the beach

Timeskip/Cobra Kai dojo

We're looking at the two senseis who are currently showing us some lesson

Sensei Kreese attacke Sensei Lawrence but he blocks and take his leg

Sensei L: You're little rusty Sensei

After few more punches both of them were at bad situation

Sensei L: Okay , pay attention . He's got my neck , I've got his elbow . If I try to break out

Sensei K: I dig him and put him to sleep

Sensei L: If I go for his ribs

Sensei K: He completely exposes his chest

Sensei L: Two difficult choices . What do you do

Flashback/Third person perspective

Wade: There is only way how to get from this choke

Y/N meanwhile couldn't almost breathe

Wade: Remember what I told you . You go All in . It doesn't matter if you're gonna hurt yourself , only the matters is that you become winner

Flashback ends/ Y/N's POV

Y/N: Go after Sensei Kreese's leg

Sensei Lawrencesend both of them to the ground

Sensei L: You damn the consquences and you power forward

Sensei K: You may get hurt , but nobody wins by doing nothing

Sensei L: You make a choice . You make a move . You go all in . Good work Mr.L/N


I , Moon , Hawk , Miguel , Tory and Aisha are sitting in some restaurant at the Mall . I'm sitting next to Moon

Moon and Aisha are talking about Jasmin , Tory is messing with Miguel and Hawk is talking with the two cobras

Suddenly Hawk whistle at me and signaled me to go over to him

I look at Moon and give her a quick kiss

Y/N: I'll be right back

Moon: Okay

I go over to Hawk

Hawk: You should see this Y/N

He hands the phone with some review on Cobra Kai dojo

Y/N: Very unprofessional sensei , does not take into account safety or personal boundaries . Who is that guy ?

Hawk: Demetri wrote it . We should do something about it

Y/N: Yeah . I'll tell Moon and the others that we're going to see some Cobra kai guys . And that we'll be right back . Call someone from Cobra kai

Hawk: Sure thing Deadpool


I , Hawk and the other Cobras headed to some comics store , because Hawk said that he's gonna be there

Y/N: Alright , you guys remember the plan ?

Rickenberger: Yes

Y/N: Okey , let's do it

We reached the store and I and Hawk are going ovee to Demetri . Assface and Douchebag

I cough and Demetri look at us

Y/N: Hi there

Demetri: Hi

Hawk: Still can wait to read that new issue , huh ?

Demetri: Nice hair . What is this , your red hulk fase ?

Hawk: We saw you Yelp review

I and Hawk go closer to him

Y/N: Take it down

Demetri: And ruin my journalistic integrity ? Look , I'm sorry , but someone had to say something . And besides , taking it down could hurt my Yelp elite status

Hawk push him

Hawk: We said take it down

Demetri: You think I'm afraid of you ?! I know who you really are... Eli . So why don't you ,
Y/N , Rocksteady and Bebop , just leave me alone

He turns to leave but behind was other 2 cobras

Demetri: Great . So this is what it's comes to . Gang assult

Y/N: Take it down , or we take you down

Demetri: You two would actually hurt me ?

Y/N: Don't make it harder than it needs to be . Take it down and you're free to leave

Demetri: Well , guess what . You two are not the only ones who knows karate . I just joined Mijagi-do

Y/N(muttering): He making it harder

I look at Hawk and nod

Hawk: Alright , let's see what's you've got

Hawk kick him to the stomach and use front sweep to get him on the ground

Y/N: So much to the Mijagi-do

???: Hey ! What's going on back there

Demetri quickly get up and start running

We're chasing Drmetri through the whole Mall

Hawk: Where did he go ?!

Chris: Come on guys . We don't have to do this . I think he learned his lesson

Y/N: Who the fuck told you to think ?! Split and find him

We're finally find Demetri at some tables

Y/N: It didn't have to be this way

Hawk: Yea , you could jpin Cobra kai if you werent such a pussy

Demetri: Atleast I'm not an asshole

Mitch grab him from behind

Hawk: You're dead meat

Hawk goes to attack Demetri

Suddenly someone jumps on us and I can see it's Sam

Sam: You guys need to back off

Hawk: I don't wanna have to hit a girl

???: You wouldn't stand a chance

I look and see Robby

Y/N: Oh , I get it now . Sam have a new boyfriend , why I'm not surprised

Sam: What's that supposed to mean ?

Y/N: You know what that meant

Hawk: Anyway , six against three ? More like two and half

We nods at each other and we start fighting

Third person perspective

Y/N send a kick at Robby but he blocks it and sweep Y/N's leg . Hawk attack Robby and help Y/N's up

Sam is fighting with Mitch , Rickenberger . She put them down easily . She tried to attack Hawk but stops her when he grabef her arm and throw her away from them

Y/N: Stay out of it

As they're continue fighting . Robby took down Hawk

Y/N was the last man standing , so he runs at Robby

As Y/N sending his attacks Robby who almost keeping up , he see a space in his defense . So he kick him to his leg and send hard punch between his ribs and take his breath out

Sam sees that Y/N's not gonna stop with his punches so she run at him and atacked Y/N from behind

She throw him on the ground and gave him hard punch to his face

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