Eclipse Breath Forms

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First form: on the other side there is light - makes you fall softly on the ground. Can cut through everything

Second form: darkness overtakes the light - makes the demons suffer and kills them slowly making them suffocate while their heart beats slowly

Third form: sun's reappears after a period of darkness - when the user kills the demon in the softest way and it creates an elution for them

Fourth form: Until next time - kills the demon as soon at the blade touches their neck, it doesn't have to go all the way, just a scratch on the neck is enough to kill the demon

Fifth form: light from eclipse - one of the most dangerous ones for the slayer and demon, if used to much power it can cause blinding and fatigue

Sixth form: dark moon - the demon's vision will be cut off cause them to be blind for a solid five minutes so you can kill the demon

Seventh form: ugly sun - once sword is through the neck it will feel like they are getting burned by the sun and they die painfully

Eighth form: The burning Eclipse - no information yet

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