Halloween Murders

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October 31st, 10:00 AM

After sleeping through the night and being late for work, I showed up to Boys -n- Grills and got right to flipping patties on a grill. Skid and Pump came in that morning. That was exciting, those two cuties are my favorite customers. They seemed to like the way I made the burgers. After work got off around 4 o'clock, I only had about an hour to get ready for Streber's Haunted house and Halloween party. I quickly ran to the nearest store possible and ran in, finding the best costume possible. Let's see, I work as a butcher that grills patties in a little fast food burger restaurant. I'll be a butcher. But, with my own twist. I picked out a back skirt with cute little chains dangling on the side, a red dog collar, a fake butcher knife, an apron with fake blood splattered on it, and a plain black T underneath. I had on boots that I covered in fake blood, and cute stockings. I looked in the mirror after getting ready. Perfect! If I could dress like this at work, I would! After putting on some eyeliner to make cat eyes, I walked out and headed down the street towards Streber's. 

"Trick or treat!" Shouted Skid, jumping onto Pump's shoulders. I walked past them with a smile, waving as Skid ran over with his bag of candy. Pump held his bag open for the nice lady to fill it with sweet treats before turning around to see me. "Oo! Y/N! Your costume is cool!" He complimented, skipping over to me and Skid. "Aw, thank you, Pump. I like yours too." I smiled bending down and patting his head. Skid jumped on my shoulders and held onto my head. "Say, miss Y/N, can you take us to the haunted house?" "Oh," I replied, "You mean Streber's Halloween party and haunted house?" Skid and Pump nodded. "Yeah," Pump giggled, "Are you going too?" I smiled a warm, friendly smile. "Yeah! I was just on my way. I'm supposed to meet someone there today!" The boys smiled and I picked up Pump. 

Heading down to Streber's, I looked around for Bob, knowing that he should've been around somewhere. When I failed to see him, I suddenly got a bit upset. Oh who cares..? He's a sadistic murderer anyhow, why would I care. When we arrived at the haunted house, a sudden cloud of green smoke exploded before us. We all smiled as Streber jumped out from the opened door. "Hello, fellas! Welcome to the hauntiest of houses! I am a real vampire!" He acted, grabbing us and pushing us in front of a mirror that made him disappear when he threw his green screen cape in front of him. The boys ran in quickly, Skid, who was closer to me since Lila often let me babysit him due to how close we lived to one another, grabbed my hand to drag me inside. "Whoa! One moment, hun! Let me say hi to Strebs!" I laughed, gently shoving him forwards so he could enter the house with Pump. "You're not going to go in, Y/N?" Streber asked. "Oh, I'll go in. Just wanted to catch up with an old bud." Streber and I had known each other back in grade school. For a short time, we worked together as scare actors in haunted mazes and haunted house events around town. I grew out of it, though, and got a job at Boys -n- Grills. Streber never did. He instead began his own haunted house that lasted from October 1st to November 10th. Streber was very sweet. He had a habit of putting everyone before himself and loved to make others smile. He'd been in a few relationships, but every woman seemed to think he was too kind. He was very respectful towards women, though. And men, he tried to be a good man to prove not all were as bad as women think they are. He was a good person, a heart of gold and a beautiful soul. I appreciated him for everything he'd done for me in the time we knew one another. He truly was an angel. "So, how's it goin, Y/N?" He asked, sitting on the front step. I joined him. "Ah well, work's been hard. I feel like the boss doesn't like me very much." I joked. Streber let out a little laugh through his nose. "Any boys? You haven't dated for a while." He wondered. "Well," I said, thinking about Bob's strange behavior and eerie smile. "That's complicated. What about you? Any new girls?" He shook his head. "Nope. Haven't had any luck with any girls." He smiled, looking over to me with a soft grin, "I mean, sort of. You are beautiful, Y/N. If it wasn't odd for two good friends to date, I would've asked you to be mine long ago. You seem so nice, so perfect." My eyes widened with surprise. Streber likes me? Shit! I stared at him with big ol' bug eyes until he laughed at me and asked if I was alright. "Yeah," I replied, "Just didn't expect you to like me like that. But uh, I have a Halloween party to get to, Strebs. Where's it at?" Streber looked dumbfounded for a moment before remembering he was working. He then put on his best Dracula impression and helped me to my feet. "Oh! The scariest Halloween party in town! Just walk in and take the second left!" He smiled, wrapping his cape around him and giving me a nudge inside. "Have fun, Y/N!" He said, staying in character. 

Bob's Perspective

He likes her?!  Of course, a beautiful treat like her would be wanted by another. I'd been watchin' from the distance, listenin' to the conversation Y/N had with this vampire man. I squinted, taking my knife from my belt. This is going to be fun. 

I walked up to the house, slouching down to meet Streber's height. "Oh- Hello little devil fella! Would you like to get scared?" He smiled. His fake fangs were annoying. I kept my signature smile, peerin' into his eyes. "Did you know..If you eat a human brain you'll get a disease similar  to mad cow?" His eyes filled with fear as he stepped back. "What...?" Just then, I covered his mouth and raised my knife. He shrieked through my hand as I grabbed his arm and pulled it forward and cut into it. The sound of his cries and screams through my hand sounded like music to my ears. I continued to saw into his arm, finally hitting bone and snapping his arm over my knee. It broke right off, giving me a tasty snack. I then threw him to the ground and walked away. My objective? Lila. 

Y/N's Perspective 

I sat at the Halloween party for a few hours. I mainly lounged in the furthest corner in the back and watched everyone dance around and have fun. Where was he? It's been hours. The party is going to end soon. 

I'd gotten a few compliments on my costume, some kids laughed at me and called me emo and so on. It had me really annoyed, so I eventually left. It was around 7 o'clock now. It'd been three hours. Maybe three and a half. I sighed, walking out ready to see Streber. But, he was nowhere to be found. The only thing I saw was a puddle of blood. It wasn't there before, maybe he'd added it for extra scares after I'd walked in. I shook my head. Fake blood. But, where's Streber? Maybe he switched shifts or got someone else to cover for him so he could go home. Meh, I'm sure he's okay. 

I continued down the steps and headed back towards my home. Skid and Pump had already walked home. They were done with the haunted house long before I'd even been an hour into the party. I sighed and hobbled down the street with slouched shoulders. What did I expect from a murderer? I should have never given him a chance in trust. All because he helped me home.. I should have just called the cops. 

After a little while of bored, heartbroken walking, I made it home. My ankle was still slightly sore from last night, so I sat down on the couch to rest for a while. I turned on the TV to help myself unwind. 


3 murders have taken place tonight. The killer is unknown. 

It is Halloween night tonight and unexpectedly THREE murders have occurred. All three victims have been dismembered, two of which are missing their arms, and one is missing his liver and one arm. One man tonight has been found at the nearby haunted house event missing one arm. He wishes to go unknown. He describes his attacker as large, stocky, overweight and wearing some sort of devil costume. His face was painted a light red, along with his hands. The attacker wore an oversized maroon turtleneck sweater and black pants. Witnesses report seeing the suspect scraping a small, thin knife across a knife sharpener. If anyone sees someone who matches this description, please contact the police immediately. 

I sat on my couch, leaned over at the TV with wide eyes. So that's where Bob was. He'd been out murdering people. I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. Even when I thought that he was trustworthy enough. I was wrong. I guess that's what I get for trusting a cannibalistic serial killer that I only JUST met the other night. I shook my head, turning off my TV and quickly sitting up. I headed to my bedroom and laid down.  God, I trusted him. I kissed his cheek. What's wrong with me? I just hope Streber's alright....Maybe I should turn Bob in...

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