The call

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The music form my phone suddenly stopped and it started buzzing on the kitchen counter when I was just about to cut the onions for dinner. I took a quick look over to my phone to decide wether I would answer the call or just wait for whoever was calling to stop. But when I saw the photo of my favorite sunshine I just had to answer the call.

„Hey Mick!", I didn't know what it was but whenever I talked to him I just had to smile.

Mick Schumacher was one of those persons that just tends to make you smile even when all you want to do is cry. He was the impersonating sunshine, the little golden retriever. He was just way too good for this world. And ever since we met, which was a few days after his birth, because we grew up next to each other, he made me feel this way. Whenever I felt down he was the first one I would call. Even if he was five years younger than me.

„Hey Luisa.", his voice sounded strange.

Something was quite not right and I could feel it. A cold shiver running down my spine. I grabbed the kitchen counter and took a deep breath.

„What is wrong Micky?", I asked, my voice instantly shaking.

There were only a few things that would make the blonde sunshine worried. And none of them were good in any way.

„Nothing. I mean... Well, it's just..."

„Mick! What is going on?"

„It's about Seb. He thinks about retiring. His nanny just lost his kids here in the pit lane because she was flirting with Charles and he fired her, of course. But now he has no one for his kids. I mean his parents will take care of them for a while but if he doesn't find anyone else he will have to retire and I am not ready for him to leave.", he started to sob softly, when I let out a relieved sigh.

„Mick, honestly? You remember who you just called, right?"

„Yeah my best friend. I just needed to hear your voice to...", he stopped mid-sentence, suddenly starting to laugh.

The smile on my face grew when I could hear him jump up from wherever he was sitting. He must have hit something because I could hear something fall, than I heard him running. As much as this boy was a sunshine he was chaos too. But no one could ever be angry with him because, honestly? He was just too much of a sweetheart.

I listened to him running for a while then I could hear quite a breathless „Seb! Seb!".

I leaned against the kitchen counter pressing the phone against my ear. My heart started racing.

I had been a Formula 1  fan since I could think. Not only have I been growing up next to the Schumachers but I've been to quite a few race weekends through my life. Most of the time I went with Gina and Mick as kind of their babysitter even if I was only slightly older and probably the wildest of us three. But I always loved the racing sport and when Mick started karting I saw a fair amount of his races. I only stopped to go and see him rave when I started studying. I moved out and quite a few hours away from home, so I wasn't able to be there all the time. And after my studies I started working as a full-time nanny which made it nearly impossible to see him race because of the corona restrictions too. So I missed his first F1 season and only cheered to him in front of the tv. I was about to change that this season.

„Seb! I've found a solution for all your problems!", I could clearly imagine how big the smile on Mick's face must have been by now.

„You do?", my heart now started to pound so heavy I nearly forgot how to breath.

Sebastian Vettel was one of my all time favorite drivers and even though I was Mick's best friend, I never ever met him. Hearing his voice this close made my fangirl heart scream.

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