after it was taken, i noticed selim got a bit emotional, "thank you, i really enjoyed tonight" is all he said, selim will always be a man of mysteries.

"and thank you for having us" i mention, and my daughter still on my lap leans into me, "mhm, is mon bébé fatigué?" i murmur as I move the strands of hair from her face,

"must be so sleepy due to the time difference" i mention, although it was just 7 in the evening, it was around midnight in France.

"here, I'll take her" rue starts to say, but i refused.

"Mine" is all I said, before the check came.

i gently secured aurelia into the car, before hugging selim a farewell.

"take care young man" selim says, "you too. come visit us" i say, and he nods before he gets into his cab.

"what a nice fellow" rue mentions, and I nodded in agreement.

"atlas you still can drive on the wrong side?" i teased, the steering wheel had been situated to the left and atlas is so used to driving on the right.

"sure. I definitely can" he says confidently, and he proved my point.

so in the end I drove us, while rue tended to aurelia.

tomorrow we would start our voyage on the cruise, when we got to the place selim gave me, i put the car keys on the key table, with my daughter still in my arms.

"i can put her to sleep, you go refreshen yourself" rue chimes in, "shh, i got it" i say, making my way to my bedroom, but I notice rue following me, i stopped in my tracks and gave her a skeptical look, "ah! sorry. it's just a habit of -" i cut her off as I felt aurelia stir in my arms, "sleep mon bébé" i softly murmur giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

i gently placed her down to my bed, and finally ushered rue out of my bedroom, "speak" i say.

"It's routine for me to put her to bed, so my apologies if I am stepping any boundaries" she says solemnly, and i just nodded.

"okay. i understand, but I am her father. You are her nanny. You take care of her when I'm not present" i utter with purposeful blunt.

i never treated other people the way i treat my daughter, the way I treat is only for her, if it were anyone else I'd have them thrown out, but she is Aurelia's nanny.

i knew if I fired rue, my daughter would throw a fit.

"yes, sorry sir" rue says and she retreats away, i made it towards the bathroom, and took a shower.

I've already gotten adjusted to the time difference, and I wasn't tired.

i decided to pack our stuff for the cruise, and check online to see what benefits we could apply for.

the curtains had been drawn, it became dim, with my lamp still on, and my daughter still sleeping away.

while browsing through the holland america cruise website, my daughter with a blanket came to my side as she's rubbing her sleep away, "mhm, baby? why are you up" i ask turning away from the computer and pulled her onto my lap, "i miss daddy" she says in her soft angelic voice, i still am in disbelief that she came from me, and that she's inherited my stubbornness, it must be the universe's way to punish me.

"daddy misses you too" i respond giving her a poke to her nose, and she scrunches her nose in dislike, "daddy" she says, i just find teasing her amusing, "baby" i reply, and she leans into me, "why don't you go back to sleep, hm?" i softly suggest, but she is adamant and shook her head, "i wanna be with daddy" she says, so I simply give a gentle smile.

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