Intro and requests

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That's right I'm throwing my hat into the ring. I need a way to improve my romance writing (And we all need a little more Omori x reader content) Don't be shy everyone can request

Slight warning for potential: spoilers, graphic scenes, and cursing

Requests are open

First we must go over some rules:

-No Pedophilia, Incest or any other weird things

-No lemons, limes, smut or whatever you want to call it

-No Character x character (I will accept poly relationship request that include the reader)

-If your request breaks the rules or if I find it to be problematic I will refuse to do it

That should cover it, now onto your job

You can request a one-shot featuring a specific character or a scenario for everyone

Characters included are:

Sunny (or Omori)

Aubrey (Dream or real)

Kel (Dream or real)

Hero (Dream or real)

Basil (Dream or real)


Captain Spaceboy

THE Maverick (🙏🙏🙏)

Maybe more to come?

About the request themselves, as long as they don't break any of the rules I'll do just about anything

Fluff, romance, angst, heck even platonic if you feel like it, they are all available

AUs are also allowed, just be sure to specify any important details of the AU you want me to know because I might take unwanted creative liberties

Reader will be gender neutral unless you request for a specific gender

If you want to request make a comment on this chapter or send me a private message

I may take a long time to finish your requests, sorry. Expect me to be very inconsistent.

I believe that is everything, the stage is set and I look forward to hearing all your requests.

The stage is set (Omori x reader)Where stories live. Discover now