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Jason sat perched on a fire scape, watching Ric walk around his little apartment doing little tasks and playing with his tiny babe. It was sweet and heartwarming watching him flutter around with the little boy perched on his hip and Ric making faces and working around the babe as he grabbed this and pulled his hair. Jason chuckled as the pup grabbed another fistful of Rics hair and pulled. Dick made a face and detached the pups hand and seemed to be cross and lecturing the baby, most likely telling him he can't do that. Jason shook his head 'baby, that won't do anything and you know it.' He thought to himself.

The protective and most certainly not stalker alpha, knew from the beginning that Dick would be a great parent. Although Dick wasn't the most welcoming and kind person when Jason first arrived, he still knew that Dick would be a great parent, even more so when Damian came into the picture.

Dick had apologized to Jason and wouldn't leave his side when he came back from the dead. He apologized so much that the words of I'm sorry gave him a headache.

It was sweet though.

When things started getting better and the two's relationship had become something more, the alpha allowed the omega to scent him.

It was a weird new experience, having someone rub their scent gland against his. His mother nor father had ever done that, nor Bruce or anyone else for that matter. But Dick was different. He was patient and gentle with him, even going as far as to let Jason come into his nest and lay with him. It was such a surreal experience and Jason felt honored from it all. It was a great honor for an omega to let someone into their nest, especially Dick. He had only ever let anyone join him. And scenting? Jason had never even heard of Dick doing such an act.

Dick didn't force himself upon Jason or asked to scent him, no, but rather Jason had come to him after confronting Bruce with the Joker...

Jason hated thinking about that. Hated knowing that Bruce would choose a serial killer over him. Made him wonder if Bruce ever cared for him, if he cared for any of them.

Standing up, Jason knew it was time to stop watching and to actually do something.

Dick Grayson was... was gone. And Jason knew he had to accept that. Had to accept that in his place was Ric Lloyd, a single protective father. It would take time and be the hardest fight he'd have to face, but Jason knew he'd take it head on. For Dicks sake.

Leaping off the fire scape, Jason made a plan.


It was... decent out in Bludhãven. Better than Gotham that's for sure. At least here the sun would come out and brighten the place up occasionally whereas in Gotham the sun always was hiding behind pollution and darkness.

Jason sat anxiously in a cafe that he had seen Ric visit regularly. The barista, a young alpha male, clearly had a crush on Ric. It was funny seeing Ric be completely oblivious to the gestures and subtle hints the young man would make. Reminded Jay of Dick when he first came to terms he liked the omega and wanted him as his own, completely oblivious and blind to his advances. But it also bother Jay as now Ric was single and people were interested in him.

Hearing the bell jingle above the door, Jason glanced up from his breakfast and felt his spirit brighten as it was finally Ric who entered the little shop. He had his baby strapped around his chest, which surprised Jason as Ric had never brought the boy in before. Hell, Jason hadn't even seen Ric carry the pup around since he had collided into him. Maybe he had quit bribing him around after their confrontation as to prevent someone from running into him, or wanted to hide the baby in case another bat showed up...

Jason sighed through his nose.

Just another memory he'll loath when thinking back when it should have been so much different...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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