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Head empty, Jason sat on a gargoyle in Blühaven and stared blankly into nothing. Everything was a mess. A big painful mess.

He hated this. Hated this feeling and knowing and having to accept it. Once again, Jason was abandoned and has been rejected. But this time it hurt so much more than when Bruce had all but shown that he cares for the Joker than him. Than when he came out to Roy that he is gay and is in love with Dick and Roy had called him disgusting and to stay away.

This was so much more painful than being beat to death. More painful than when his mother used him and got him killed. More painful than waking up in the pit.

Nothing could amount to this pain.

Subconsciously Jason pulled out his pack of smokes, and when he reached to pull one out he saw that there were none, and instead a hidden picture with a caption across it.

It was a picture of him. A picture he had snuck without him knowing.

Dick looked so happy. So happy. Jason couldn't remember why, but he could never forget how happy Dick was. How he made the world disappear and it was just the two of them just by smiling and laughing.

'Do it for him' was written on the lid of the pack.

Jason felt himself forcing down tears. He had been working on quitting smoking, but not for himself. But for Dick. His mate had made one complaint and expressed his discomfort for it, and Jason instantly worked on quitting. Roy had called him a wimpy simp.

Taking a deep breath, Jason closed the pack and slipped it back into his pocket.

Just as his nerves were calmed and his unwanted tears were pushed down, anger washed over him in waves as he thought of what had happened over a year ago.

Jason walked into the manor and searched for anyone. He was in search of Bruce specifically, but any of the brats and Alfred would do. He just needed answers.

After searching the ridiculously large house that most of it wasn't even used, Jason headed down to the cave and there Bruce sat alone in front of the monitor that was ridiculously big as usual.

"B, where's Dick? I can't find him anywhere and he's not picking up his phone. His work hasn't seen him come in. Not even West has seen him."

Bruce was quiet. Too quiet. Something was wrong. Something bad.

Glaring and clenching his fists, Jason asked again. "Bruce, where is my mate. Where is Dick." He snarled and stormed over to the caped crusader.

Bruce stood up and spun around just as Jason's fist came flying at him.

"He's not here. He was injured and has left. He needed some air after the fight. His attacker got into his head. He'll be fine. Robin is going after him now."

Jason growled. The man didn't even bother to tell him the truth. That his precious mate had been shot in the head and lost his memories. That when he woke up he was so scared and hurt from how the family dealt with it that he ran. He ran as far as he could. He stayed and lived in a car for some months, working as a Uber driver and a dishwasher at a crappy cafe. No one told him. Didn't tell him anything as he searched for him. That they were giving up after having tried over and over to bring him back and to get his memories back with force.

He later hunted down and killed KGBeast once he found out who shot Dick.

When Bruce had lost his memories, everyone took such good care of him. Were patient and kind and did everything to help him out. Treated the alpha with more respect and kindness than they ever had shown anyone. They didn't try to force him to remember his memories or force him to do anything he didn't like or to try to bring him back. But with Dick?

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