Chapter four

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Jayson's pov

me, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Astoria were stood in the stands with the rest of the school waiting for the first task to start. "you think he's gonna survive?" i asked Draco "who Potter? no not at all" i watched as the three actual contestants completed the task. they had a dragon, an actual dragon "he's going to die" Blaise said "agreed" Draco said as potter squatted behind a rock "what's he doing?" "i don't know Jay but he's not watching his back" Pansy answered my question. He had summoned a broom. a broom to fight against a dragon. what an idiot clearly my sister did not give him a pep talk before this.

"he has the egg" Draco said taking me out of thought "what." i looked to see potter flying on the broom and the dragon pulling with all its strength on the chains. he flew around the dragon witch wasn't very smart because right in the moment the chains broke and everyone was gasping and screaming, the dragon flew straight at the stands and pulled up last minute causing Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape to fall. Also Draco falling on top of me. Potter had gone out of sight and the dragon followed him "he's dead surely it's been fifteen minutes" Astoria said "who knows" i replied, another few moments passes and a figure came into view. it was potter and he had the egg.

"oh. he's still alive." i said plainly. everyone was leaving and going to their common rooms "what do you think the next task will be?" "i don't know dray we won't know until after break" i replied. we got into the common room and into one of our dorms "you guys think Snape fancy's McGonagall?" "definitely" "yes" "totally" we all burst out laughing "the way she fell on him was so funny, hope she's alright but still hilarious" "agreed mate, agreed"
"you guys are so mean" "mione? when did you get there?" she didn't answer and walked away "oh alright then" Draco looked at me and we burst out laughing again, oh how i love my friends

Hermiones pov

i walked toward harry and ron's room and overheard them talking "do you really think he's her brother harry? i mean come on he has black curly hair and blue eyes." "well Ron not all sibling look alike" "that's a lie all my siblings and me look the same" "so? i said not all Ron i didn't specifically say yours." "you think Jayson's not my brother? really?" they were surprised "you eavesdropped on us?" "Ron you were talking about my brother! and i was already on my way here!" "okay how about we all calm down?" "this doesn't involve you Harry" Ron bitterly spat at him and he stormed off "i'm sorry mione i don't know what's up with him" "you don't need to be sorry Harry, but it is true he looks nothing like me.."

"that doesn't mean he isn't you're brother Hermione" "but he's in Slytherin." "okay? not all people get into the same house, i'm sure Rons just overthinking it like always" "yeah.. hopefully"

Time skip

Jayson's pov

Hagrid was filling in for our care of magical creatures class and i'll be honest i like Hagrid he's nice "how do you open these damn books?" "stoke the side Draco" "oh thanks" we walked until Hagrid stopped "this is Buckbeak he's a hippogriff, he's very dangerous if provoked so don't provoke him." Hagrid threw a ferret at the beast, he was a beautiful creature. people were complaining about the dementors so Draco had an idea he put a worried look on his face "dementor! dementor!" as everyone turned in panic me and the group put up our hoods and shook our fingers "ooohhh" and then burst out laughing

"not funny jayson" i zoned out "who would like to volunteer to get on his back?" i hadn't even noticed everyone but me and potter had stepped back "great boys! now bow if he bows back he trusts you" i hesitated but bowed and the beast bowed back to me i smiled "you can stroke him now" apparently it trusted potter to as Hagrid put us both on top of him and slapped his back "hold on potter this is going to be bumpy" i told him as he gripped onto me, i didn't mean me but okay. as the beast flew higher i held on around its neck until it started flying peacefully "wooh!" "yeah!" Buckbeak flew near to the water and i ran my hand through it, eventually he brought us back and i hopped off "i'd definitely do that again with no hesitation" i said to my friends

Draco turned to the creature "hmm ah yes you're not dangerous at all are you? you great ugly brute" "malfoy no!" Draco was stunned as the beast went on it's hind legs and hit his arm "ah! it's killed me it's killed me!" Hagrid picked him up "better get you to madame pomfrey" "what an idiot" i hear my sister say, i sighed and walked with the rest of the slytherins back up to the castle "does it hurt terribly Draco?" "hmm yeah if i didn't get to madame pomfrey as soon as i did i could've lost my arm" Draco knew Pansy was obsessed with him and it was kind of funny to watch her fawn over him because she believes every word he says

Dumbledore had an announcement "all students may leave the premises after collecting items they need for over the break" Draco looked at me "come on let's go" i nodded "jay! where are you going?" i turned around "i'm spending break with the malfoys this year" "no you are not you're coming to the weasleys with me." "no i'm not enjoy christmas with your friends and i'll enjoy mine with mine" i pulled out a wrapped item from my pocket "don't open it until christmas alright?" "okay.." she gave me a hug and i returned it. "alright alright come on we have to get our stuff then get on the train" "yeah coming" i walked away to the common room with Draco and we collected our stuff then got into the train

"trust me my mothers going to love you" "yeah?" "yeah"

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