Chaoter three

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"Granger? Granger?" I woke up to someone shaking me "what are you doing up here it's freezing and snowing." "Professor..?" Of course Snape was the one who found me "come on get up" I stumbled when I stood, I was as cold as ice and I was shivering. I watched as we walked down the stairs of the tower "why were you up here in the first place
and what happened to your hand" "two words hermione and Weasley" "hmmm I see well I can't do anything about the dorms situation until after Christmas break so I guess you just have to deal
with it" I nodded as we got back into the castle it was a Saturday so not many people were in their uniforms

"Jay! Where have you been?" Daphne was the first to notice me of course she was "I was.. somewhere" she had a confused look on her face and I just walked to the Slytherin table and sat beside Draco "Jesus you do not look good" "thanks" I grinned "where've you been? You idiot you scared me" "I was at the astronomy tower all night" "why" I looked over at the Gryffindor table and Draco seen "oh" "yeah" "oh yeah mum said you can stay over the break" "awesome" "anddd we can practice quidditch because I have a quidditch pitch at my house" "no way" "yes way" he grinned and I smirked. We were talking when dumbledore rudely interrupted with a speech

"The triwizard tournament champions have been chosen!" The goblet lit up and flung out a piece of paper "the drumstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" Everyone applauded and the goblet flung out another paper "the Beauxbaxtons champion is Fleur Delacour!" The goblet flung another paper out "and the Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore was talking I wasn't really listening when the goblet lit up again and threw another paper out "Harry Potter" "of course it's always potter" "Harry potter!" I looked to see Hermione pushing him up "HARRY POTTER!" Harry walked up and and took the paper from his hand and stood with the rest of the champions

There was uproar in the hall "he's a cheater!" "Rubbish!" "This is ridiculous" I looked to Draco "I know" we sat in the hall and waited until we could leave "come on" I stood up "I still don't have shoes I'm in my socks it's cold" I grinned at the rest of the group and I ran down to the common room "ayy Jayson" Draco ran after me along with Blaise and pansy, we were laughing as we ran. "you are a fast one" blaise said as he was out of breath "takes a bit of practise but you'll get there mate" i said as i grinned at him.

"why are you guys so loud?" "why are you so quirky?" "yeah can't believe jays related to you" i went and got shoes on "come on let's go get a butter beer i think we deserve one" the group agreed and i waited back "just keep your friends away and there won't be any problems okay?" she nodded and i went after the group "hey! wait up"

Dracos pov

jays been off ever since we went back to school.. i wonder if he's okay, i worry about him. "what do you guys want i'll pay, food and drinks or just drinks?" the group replied with just drinks "you don't have to pay mate" "no it's all good Blaise i want to" he nodded and thanked me on behalf of everyone. we sat at a booth when potter, granger and Weasley walked in, i instantly looked at jay who was eyeing Weasley with a look that could kill

Jayson's pov

my sister walked in with potter and the weasel i stared at him and he looked away, i felt another gaze on me and turned to see Draco looking at me "you alright jay?" he asked "yeah mate all good" i forced a smile and we went back to talking "oi granger!" that annoying squeaky voice came from across the shop "what?" i asked annoyed "Ronald! stop it!" "thank you Hermione" i said to her "you never call me Hermione.." i gave her a look to let her know i didn't mean it and she got the memo "don't talk to her again you understand me?" "you're forbidding me to talk to my own sister? funny." the redhead stood up and started to walk to where i was so i stood up

clearly that didn't last long as he started to walk backward "what's wrong Weasley? scared?" i was taunting him "n-no" or scaring him, i smirked and kept waking "jay. sit" "Blaise!" he was stood in front of me. i looked up at him as he was taller "no go" "fine" i walked back to the table and he sat beside me so i couldn't move as him and Draco were on either side of me. "don't let that blood traitor get you he's not worth it mate" "yeah.. yeah you're right that is dray" he gave me a slight smile and smiled back.

Hermiones pov

"he gets on my nerves. how do you not hate him?" i looked at him "he's my brother Ronald. i'd never hate him. that's like me asking you how do you not hate Percy." he was mad "don't bring my family into this!" he raised his voice and i flinched "oi Weasley" oh no "shouting at my sister are we?" "Jayson no" i watched as my brother pulled him out of the seat and dragged him outside

Jayson's pov

my blood boiled as i walked up to him, dragged him out of his seat and outside "who do you think you are? hm?" "l-look i didn't mean it mate" "don't mate me i'm not your friend. i've just about had it with you. i've been so nice to you and you repay me by being a prick? and then start shouting at my sister?! you've pushed it too far Weasley" i pulled out my wand "crucio!" i heard a muffled voice "epelliarmus" my wand was flung from my hand and someone had grabbed my shoulder. "what do you think you're doing?" "professor Snape?" i looked behind me then at the redhead who had started running "well? answer my question boy" "nothing professor" he handed me my wand and gave me a cold look as he let me go

"i catch you with you're wand out again Mr.Granger and it's a detention" "yes sir" i watched him walk away and then turned to see my friends, my sister and potter "why are you looking at me like that?" "you just tried to use an unforgivable curse on my friend. how could you?!" Hermione started pushing me "i did it because he was scaring you Hermione! do you not understand i care about you!" she looked at me "what?" "you heard me. i care about you and anyone who attempts or does hurt you will know all about me." she hugged me "do not talk to me for ages again." i returned the hug "i won't"

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