Grocery Store Showdown

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Shana's Point of View:

It was late Sunday evening and Paul and I had just gotten back from Laguna Beach. I walked inside his house with him and set my bags down, "I'm so drained," I said while plopping down on the couch. Paul laughed and joined me, "Me too babe. But I had a great time with your family. It was nice getting to meet everyone. I think your grandma might be trying to steal me from you might want to watch out for her," he said smiling and pulling me into his arms. I laughed and cuddled up to him, "I know, I think she wanted to take you home with her." I loved going to visit my family and spend time with them, but it felt so good to be home and just relax with Paul, "I don't want to go back to filming tomorrow. I just wanna stay in bed all day," I had half seriously. Paul gently kissed my forehead, "I know. I don't want you to go either. But it's almost done and then you have some time off, right?" I sighed, "Yeah. I don't start filming Prom Night until late September." "Well that's good because then I'll have you all to myself. I want you to come with me for the press tour of Fast and Furious." I looked up at him, "Ok, Super Bad isn't getting released until October so I shouldn't have anything lined up yet. When does the tour start?" Paul ran a hand through his hair, "I think the first week of August? Just before the actual premiere. But the last week of July is the annual Walker Family Vacation and you can't miss that." "The Walker Family Vacation? What are you talking about?" I said laughing a little. Paul laughed, "I'm serious, that's what we call it. We've done it every year, the whole family goes to Outer Banks for the week and we stay in a big beach house by the ocean." "Why do you go to North Carolina to do that when you live in California?" Paul just shrugged his shoulders, "I don't really know, we just always have. Probably because my dad used to go there with his family when he was growing up." "Well I don't want to intrude on the family vacation." "Don't be silly Shana. My family loves you and we all want you to come, Stephanie is going too. She went last year as well. It's a good time and a nice getaway." I smiled at him, I needed a relaxing vacation and just some time to get away from everything, plus I loved his family and they were always a good time, "I'd love to go, Paul." His smile got so big; I swear it reached his eyes, "Great! My mom will be so happy when I tell her you're coming, I told her I had to see what your schedule was like."

The Next Day

Paul's Point of View:

Shana left pretty early to go to the set, it was her last week of filming so she was probably going to be working long hours so they don't run over schedule. I couldn't wait for us to both have some time off together; we both needed it. I decided to go for a morning surf and then head to the grocery store after; I wanted to surprise Shana with a home cooked meal when she got home. She was always cooking for me; I figured she could use a break.

I walked into the grocery store and started getting what I needed. This is why I loved living in Santa Barbara, it was so quiet and no paparazzi, only the occasional fan that wanted a picture or autograph, which I never minded. I was debating on whether I wanted chicken or seafood in the pasta, when someone tapped me on the shoulder; I turned around and saw Jasmine, my ex-girlfriend.

Shana's Point of View:

It was such a long day on set today and I wasn't feeling good at all. I was exhausted from all the craziness of this weekend and didn't sleep well last night, and now I was feeling like I was going to throw up. I haven't eaten anything today because my stomach has been bothering me so bad. We were in the middle of filming a scene when I suddenly got the urge to throw up. I quickly covered my mouth and ran to the nearest trashcan, causing production to be halted. One of the producers came over to check on me, "You ok Shana?" I quickly pulled myself together, "Yeah, I'm fine. It must've just been something I ate. Can I freshen up really fast? Then I'll be all good to go." She nodded her head, "Sure sweetie take your time." What was going on with me? I made my way to my trailer and brushed my teeth, I noticed I had a tampon sitting on the sink counter. My eyes instantly grew big. I pulled out my phone and looked at the date. Yep, I was three days late.

Paul's Point of View:

"What do you want?" I said already getting annoyed with her. She smiled at me, "What have you been up to baby? I haven't heard from you in awhile?" I turned to face her and get this over with, "You haven't heard from me because we aren't together anymore Jasmine. When are you going to realize that? It's over, we couldn't make it work if we wanted to." She ran her hand through her messy hair, "But I want to make it work. We belong together. I've tried calling you, but you changed your number." "Yeah, I had to because I know you'd never leave me alone. Now can you please let me finish shopping so I can cook my girlfriend dinner?" The look of shock on her face was hard to miss, "Girlfriend?" I sighed, "Yes, Jasmine. My girlfriend. I've met someone who I'm extremely happy with and I'm in a committed relationship with her and only her. Now can you move on?" "It's not that little whore from you house is it?" I really didn't want to get into this with her, but I felt like there was no other way, "She's not a whore Jasmine. She's my girlfriend. But yes, that's her. Her name is Shana." "How could you do this to us? You never fully committed to me and now you're saying your committed to her? You don't even know her." "I don't have to explain myself to you, but yes I am committed to her and I know her very well. I'm in love with her and I've never felt like this with any other girl, even you. I'm sorry if that's harsh, but it's the truth. Let it go and move on," I said grabbing a bag of chicken and throwing it in my cart and walking away from Jasmine.

Love Me Like You Do: A Paul Walker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now