"He's Loved You Since the Night You Met"

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Shana's Point of View:

We just pulled up to Paul's parents' house. It was a nice, big house. It wasn't fancy, just a simply family home. It looked so welcoming. I was a little nervous about meeting his family, but Paul kept assuring me I'd be fine. I was wearing a pink V-neck t-shirt with a pair of light washed jeans and white flip-flops. I had my hair natural and down. Paul looked flawless as always in a pair of khaki shorts and a white V-neck shirt. He looks good in anything. We made our way to the front door; Paul had one hand holding the beer and the other one in mine. Paul let go of my hand and opened the door and signaled for me to go first. I walked into the quiet house as Paul followed, "Everyone's out back. Just let me put this in the fridge and we'll go out. I just nodded and followed behind him to the kitchen. When he was done putting the beer away and grabbed one and handed it to me, "Do you want one?" I shook my head; I wasn't much of a beer girl, "No thanks." He popped the top off and took a sip and then came over to me, "Relax babe, it's going to be fine, I promise." I just nodded. Paul was so close with his family and I don't know what would happen if they didn't like me or I didn't fit in. We walked out to the backyard. It was huge! There was a patio with a high table and chairs and a regular table and chairs and there was a fire pit and a grill. It looked like everyone was here too. Here goes nothing.

Paul and I were instantly greeted by a pretty blonde girl. She looked about 21 or 22. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Paul. "Hi, I'm Ashlie, Paul's sister. You must be Shana, it's greet to finally meet you" she said pulling me into a hug, which I gratefully returned. "Hi, yeah I'm Shana, it's nice to meet you too," I said. She seemed really sweet. "Hi Ash, I'm Paul, you're brother" Paul said jokingly waving his hand to get the attention. They hugged, "Yeah I know who you are, but I'm more interested in meeting your girlfriend," she said jokingly, "Come on, everyone cant wait to meet you", Ashlie said grabbed my hand and taking me with her. "Hey everyone", she yelled getting the rest of the family's attention, "Paul's here and so is his gorgeous girlfriend Shana!" Wow, she knows how to make an introduction. An older man came up first, I knew this was Paul Sr. because I've seen his picture at Paul's house. Actually Paul has pictures of everyone here somewhere in his house. "Hello dear, welcome to our home." I put my hand out to shake his, "Hi Mr. Walker, it's nice to meet you. I'm Shana." He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "We hug in this family and you can call me Paul or Dad. Mr. Walker makes me feel old." We both laughed. "Hi sweetie, I'm Cheryl, Paul's mom. We've heard so many wonderful things about you," she said pulling me into a hug. Seriously, they really are huggers. Paul came up to us and said "Alright, let her breathe" with a little laugh, he looked over at me to make sure I was ok. I gave him a smile to let him know I was fine. Next thing you know, a football flying towards my face, Paul quickly and swiftly reached in front of me to catch it like it was nothing. "You gotta control that arm Cody, you got the strength you just gotta learn how to direct it" Paul said tossing it back to the younger Walker who threw it. He caught it and came jogging over to us. "Hi, sorry I really didn't mean to do that! I'm Cody," he said reaching his hand out. Note to self: Cody is not a hugger. "Hi, I'm Shana", I said accepting his hand. "You're the girl who got my bro all crazy in love," he said with a laugh. "Yeah, I guess that's me." "Oh, it's definitely you," another guy came over. I'm assuming this to be Caleb, the middle Walker brother. They all looked a like. Cody and Paul looked the most alike to me though. "I'm Caleb. I was at that party you two met at. You had him before you even spoke a word to him" he said pulling me into a hug. "Alright man, stop throwing me under the bus? What happened to bro code?" Paul said. He looked a little embarrassed and it was really cute. "Where's Amie?" Paul asked. "Oh, she's on her way I supposed. Her and Rodger were at his parents' beach house earlier and said they'd be by later," Paul's mom said. Paul came up behind me and whispered in my ear, "See they aren't that scary." I smiled and looked at him, "I'm good" I said. He smiled and gave me a light kiss. "Oh man, see I told he's in love. I don't think I've ever seen Paul kiss a girl in front of mom," Cody said and everyone laughed, "That's because he's never brought a girl home to meet me before" Cheryl said with a laugh. Hmm, really? He's never brought a girl home to his parents?

The rest of the day went really good. I mostly sat and talked to Cheryl and Ashlie. About a half hour after we arrived, Caleb's girlfriend Stephanie came and joined us. She was really sweet too. "So," Cheryl began, "My son really likes you." I was smiling like a fool, I looked over at Paul, he was playing football with his brothers and dad. To say they were competitive was an understatement. "I really like him too" I wasn't sure if I should tell them we've said I love you's already, so I just went with her lead. "I'm going to check on the noodles for the macaroni salad," Ashlie said getting up and walking towards the house. Cheryl turned back to me, "You know Paul came here after you two had that little fight about your age." Shit. Oh my God, he told her. "His dad and I straightened him out real quick,' she said with a smirk. I looked at her, "I never lied about my age, it just never came up," I trailed off, hoping she wasn't upset with me. She laughed, "Oh honey, don't you dare blame yourself. Paul knew he was wrong, but was too prideful to do anything until we told him to make up with you. He was so sad and broken hearted when he showed up. I've never seen him like that. He's my happy child. Always smiling. Then he told me and I knew you were the one. Now, don't tell him I'm telling you this and I hope I'm not going to scare you off, I know you two have only been together a short while. But even before you came here today, I knew you were the one for my son. I've never seen him so worked up over a girl and the way he talked about you was so sweet. I couldn't wait to meet you and I'm so glad you came today." I felt like crying, this woman was seriously so sweet. I shouldn't be surprised though, Paul's like that too. I felt so comfortable with her, like she was my own mom, "Thank you so much, it really means a lot hearing you say that. I really like your son, actually I'm in love him. We said it for the first time last night and I've never been this happy." Cheryl was literally beaming. "I'm so glad my son found you. And I meant it when I said you're the first girl he's brought home to meet us." Stephanie stopped playing with her phone and cut in, "Paul never brings girls around." Cheryl nodded in agreement, "He was always dating a different girl and I never met any of them. "What about Jasmine?" I asked. Paul said they dated on and off for a while, so I figured I'd get the scoop on the crazy ex. Stephanie laughed out loud. "That girl is crazy. Only Caleb and I met her. And that was years ago. Those two have been on and off for about four years. We met her like 2 years ago. We all went to dinner. And it was awful." Cheryl chuckled at this and Stephanie continued, "She was just weird. Like Paul was hers or something. She would give me the death glare if I even spoke to him. Caleb never liked her either." "I guess that went so bad, Paul decide to never bring her around, " Cheryl said, "they broke up shortly after that and it was more of a hookup thing from then on," Steph added. Ashlie came back out and sat with us, "What are we talking about?" she asked. "Jasmine and why Paul never brings girls home", Steph said with a laugh. Ashlie looked at me, "Paul is normally a love them and leave them guy." Oh shit. Steph swatted her, "Don't scare her away, I like her and need another non-Walker in the family. Rodger's no fun." Ashlie quickly turned o me, "No I didn't mean it like that! It's just that Paul is never usually with a girl long enough to bring her around or he doesn't like them enough to have them meet us. I knew you were different though. I saw him the day after you two first hung out and he was so spacey. I was talking and his mind was completely gone. He finally broke down and told me about you. And Paul never talks to me about girls, so I knew you were special." "You guys are seriously so nice. It's really nice to hear all of this cause I really love him." Ashlie smiled at me, "He's loved you since the night you met, he just didn't know it yet."

Paul's Point of View:

Today was great. Everyone loved Shana, just like I knew they would and I could tell she really liked them too. Amie and her husband showed up finally and we started cooking on the grill. We had just finished eating and everyone was sitting around the table talking. Ash, Steph and Shana were in the house cleaning up. "So man, how's it feel to be tied down to one girl," Caleb asked with a laugh. I saw my parents eyeing me up. "That's the thing, I don't feel tied down with her. I just always want to be with her and she makes me happy. We always have a good time together. She's just so different from every other girl I've been with." Cody laughed, "And that's a lot." "Shut it." "Well I like her a lot. She's got a good head on her shoulders and seems genuine. Just what you need," Amie said. Just then the girls came walking back, Shana started to walk past me to go back to her seat next to me but I grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap. I just wanted her close to me. She looked down at me and smiled. I wrapped my arms around her. I saw my mom watching us with a smile on her face from the corner of my eye. She was so happy I finally met someone and was truly happy. She was probably even happier I brought Shana to meet her. I looked around. I had my whole family and my girl here. This was pretty perfect if you ask me.

Love Me Like You Do: A Paul Walker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now