Let's Start Every Morning Like This

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Shana's Point of View:

I woke up to the sounds of waves hitting the shore, I opened my eyes and looked around at the tan walls and white carpet. I was in a big king sized bed and completely naked. I was in Paul's bedroom. I smiled to myself, we'd left the beach and spent the rest of the night here making love. I rolled onto my other side and saw the most beautiful man I'd ever laid eyes on. He looked so sexy when he was asleep. I got out of bed and found Paul's t-shirt and slipped it on and made my way to the bathroom. I was so sore, it hurt to even walk that short distance. I came back to find Paul just waking up and stretching, he saw me and his whole face lit up with his gorgeous smile, "There's my girl. Come here," he sad reaching his arms out to me. I made my way there slowly. A look of worry crossed his face, "You ok baby?" I crawled back into bed with him, "I'm just a little sore that all." Paul wrapped me up in his arms and put his forehead against mine, "I'm sorry baby." "It's ok, that's how it's supposed to be right?" He smiled at me again, "Just the first time, maybe a couple times after." I laughed, "I love you." He kissed me nice and soft, "I love you too. I'm so glad you came back to me." "Me too, there's no where else I'd rather be than right here with you." Paul kissed me and pulled him more into me. I felt myself getting lost into him and his hands began to roam my body. This was definitely how I'd like to start everyday I thought as Paul pulled his shirt over my head.

About an hour later, I was in Paul's kitchen making french toast for us. I was standing over the stove wearing only his t-shirt and softly humming to myself. Paul came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my hips and paced a kiss on my neck. I laughed, "That tickles." I felt his smile on my neck, "I like having you here making breakfast in my shirt. It's incredibly sexy." I flipped the piece of toast and turned around in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss, "You're pretty sexy yourself," he let out a quick laugh and I turned back to our breakfast. "I want you to come to the fast premiere with me." I was getting our plates ready to eat and froze, "Seriously?" Paul laughed at me, "Yeah, I want everyone to know you're my girl and I'll need you there by my side for moral support." We sat down at the table, "Moral support? You've been doing this for how long?" Paul took a bite of his breakfast and winked at me, "Yeah but those were all before you came into my life." I laughed and started eating my breakfast, "I would love to go with you."

A few minutes later we finished up breakfast and Paul stood up and took our plates, "Paul, I'll do those," He turned the water on and looked over at me, "The cook doesn't have to clean here. What do you want to do today pretty girl?" I ran my hand through my hair, I definitely had sex hair this morning "I don't know. I have to go to the mall at some point though, I have to pick up some stuff." "Ok, well I'll take you if you want." I smiled, "Ok, we'll just have to stop at my place so I can shower and change." "Or you could just shower here....with me," he said with a mischievous smile and my heart started racing. I looked him up and down. He was so handsome and it was driving me crazy. Ever since we made love at the beach I've felt so much more connected to him. I love him and I'm so glad I waited and was able to share that with him and only him. "Mr. Walker, you are being very bad." He smiled and looked over at me from the sink, he was shirtless and wearing a pair of gray Under Armour sweatpants, "From what I remember, you seemed to love that last night and were not complaining." I smiled back at him, "Touché Walker, well played." He finished up the dishes and came back over to the table and leaned down and kissed me. "I love you Shana. And I know last night was important to you. I hope it was everything you wanted." I smiled up at him, "It was everything I wanted and more, Paul." I stood up and hugged him. I looked up at him, "Race you to the shower?" Paul laughed his beautiful laugh, "Go!" And we took off running.

Love Me Like You Do: A Paul Walker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now