Chapter 16

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Hayley POV:
Fuck! I am alive. I started hyperventilating since I've been dead for a while now. I don't know what to do. I know that in the past I made more mistakes than I could ever imagine. I was a total bitch who didn't care who I hurt along the way. I simply yearned for family and I developed that when I met Klaus. He was the one constant individual who was always there for me and who always fought for me. I love him more than he can ever imagine. However, how can I truly know he loves me for me, when he clearly was falling for this Hayley and I don't blame him. In the past, I had a strong connection to Hollis and multiple wolves. However, life made my heart hard to see the beauty of the things that surround us. I know I carry this Hayley's compassion with the memories of my first life. I simply don't know how to deal with things.

I mean this Hayley has gotten the Mystic Falls gang wrapped around her fingers. She has the Salvatore brothers becoming her brothers. Although not surprising with Stefan, seeing that they had developed a strong friendship after he had went to New Orleans to help Klaus.

Nevertheless, she has a sisterhood with Caroline. The Caroline who Klaus loved at one time, the Caroline who she was a bitch too, the Caroline who she snapped her neck, and the Caroline who wouldn't even create a friendship with her once Hope went to the Salvatore school.

Least to say, having the brother/sister bond with Tyler once again. For that she is grateful. If there was one person she hated beyond measure hurting was Tyler. Tyler, who at one point was her confidant and Tyler who at one point was her best friend. She loves him and will always love him because he was the first person to see behind the mask of bitchiness she presented to the world. He was the first person to love her for her. She owes him so much and will spend the rest of her time trying to repay him back for causing Klaus to kill his hybrids and indirectly killing his mother.

As she was analyzing everything, she didn't notice to soft look Klaus threw at her.

Klaus POV:
Fuck my life. Fuck the witches. Why are they always set to ruin my life? It is always one thing after another. First it was getting this new Hayley accustomed to being pregnant and now it's reminding my Hayley that I love her.

That it was easy to fall for this Hayley because she simply carried her face. That although he doesn't regret the memories he was creating with this Hayley, nothing would take away from the original Hayley. He would not have become the man he is if it weren't for his Hayley.

Now he has to convince her he loves her. He can see she doesn't believe his words or Elena's. He finally knows she loves him too which makes him so happy because he always felt inferior to Elijah. He never felt he could be the man Hayley deserves. Therefore, knowing that although he cause her a lot of pain, she always loved him too.

The only issue is that he also knows she loves Elijah and although this Elijah knows nothing of his history with Hayley, he still fears that he would somehow discover it and take Hayley away from him.

Hayley, little wolf, please believe me when I say I love you beyond anything. How can I believe that, when I know you fell in love with this Hayley? You are now a tribid love. The first of your kind. Give me your hands and look into my memories of our past and know everything I did here was all because of my love for you. Hun, no matter how dark your history is, you always chose good.

You are not perfect and have never been. But that's what attracted me to you from day 1. Your ability to be a bitch but also to be a good person. You were scarred but instead of letting your demons defeat you like I oftentimes did, you always tried to be better. How could I not love you? You were and are the person that knows me best. Flawed, bitchy, strong willed, passionate, kind, a tease, etc..

This Hayley was beautiful and showed me an amazing part of who you are deep inside and who you could have been if you weren't to have been so scarred by life and she was beautiful. I can't say I didn't fall for her because that would have been a lie. However, my love for her would have never reached my love for you because Hayley, you are my epic love, my soulmate, my twin flame, and my best half. I need you to understand that before we return.

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