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◆ ~ Prince tsu AU x Rui AU ~ ◆

Ships included~♡ :

Nenemu __ ♥︎ __
Akitoya \/ (Part 1/?) \/
♥︎ !warnings; swearing&,mention of sex! Basically just very fruity / flirty rui AU☆ ♥︎


3rd person's view :

"Mom!! Dad!! Im going out with my Friends!!" Tsukasa shouted "okay sweety, just be back at 10:30 pm okay, darling?" His mom smiled "yeah, yeah, whatever" he slammed the doors of the castle and rolled his eyes,
'Why are they still treating me like a child!! Im almost 19! Theyre so dumb." After, He continued to walk somewhere.

He saw his friend, rui kamishiro. "Hello, my prince~" rui giggled, tsukasa laughed softly, "hello too, love~" he kissed rui's cheek and walked over to a building, they then got in the elevator. "Hm~ lets see..the 7th floor~!" Rui presses the button and went in the party, "rui! Look~ emu and nene!" "Ooh~ shall we, darling?", they walked over to them, "owhHh HIII TSUKASA, RUI!!" emu shouted "ya, hi." Nene sighed "oh! Toya-kun and akito is here too~?" Rui pointed on a bar, "lets go to him!" Emu yelled, once again. They reached there, "toya!!" Tsukasa yelled, and hugged him. "O- oh, tsukasa-senpai!" Toya clinged "Uhm..." akito just stood there "ah! Sorry akito, well ts..." "oya~? Is toya-kun and akito-kun on a date?~" rui giggled on, "well.. yeah," toya sighed "whats going on here?" Nene jumped out of nowhere, "oh you see! Toyas and aki is on a date!" Tsukasa said proudly "WAHHHA!! CONGRATS TOYAAA~~" emu shined and jumped "ahah.. t- thank you emu-" "so what ya doing on the bar?" Tsukasa asked "oh, uhm.." "oho! You guys were gonna drink, right?" Nene guessed, "ehm.. nope." Toya smiled "okah then?" "We just got water.." akito, finally said something. "Oh~ okay! Then, want to join us?" Rui asked "sorry kamishiro-senpai, our parents doesnt allow us to drink until we're 19." Toya sighed "ohh~ but breaking some rules are okay!" "Sorry kamishiro-senpai" "awh~ alrighty, its okay toya~" toya nods and grabbed his date somewhere else.

"Hey! Can we get some drinks here, please?" Tsukasa yelled, the bartender gave an 'of course!' Face. A few minutes, their drinks came out. Nene drank a shot, she barely finished it. "Ewh" she mumbled "is there something wrong, nene-chan!?" Emu worried "of course not, emu! I just.. dont like the taste of alchohol.." "mm~ what does it taste likee~?" Emu smiled "It taste so bitter." "UWAHH!?! Then im not taking it!!" She frowned. Meanwhile, with tsukasa and rui. Tsukasa drank 3 shots, and rui drank like uhm.. let me say... alot. "Im starting to feel dizzy~" tsukasa whispered, rui started giggling. "Youurr soo cutee, babyy~" he giggled "your drunk again, rui." "Hhmn~ not really~" he hugged his prince and kissed him on the neck "rui, you asshole. Dont do it here again.." tsukasa pushed him away, "fine, tsu~" rui giggles, he then pull tsukasa into a kiss (just a few seconds tho!)

"Fufu~" tsukasa pulls out his phone, and.. holy shit its almost 10:30!! "Rui-kun im going home," "buut~ its-" rui's complain got cut off "my parents will be worried about me," tsukasa replied. "okay but-," rui whispers something in his ears,
-i going there too~" ... this rui.. "hey guys! What are yall talking about?" Emu jumps "uhm-," "we saw the scene." Nene stood there, "uh" "okayy uhm, me and rui are going to leave early~ bye nene and emu!!" "GOODBYE AND NIGHT TSUKASA-KUN~!" emu hugged them a goodbye and then they walked out.

( Tsukasa / rui )

"Tsukasa-kun?," Whispered rui
"What?" He replied "Are you sneaking me in the castle, or you're calling this a sleepover?" "The first one," "There, we have arrived." "Oh great~ I'm so sleepy already~" "now rui.. I need you to jump there, you got it?" "Hm, alright," "now.. 1, 2.. 3! Jump!! Tsukasa knocks the castle door as rui, climbed the rope that his prince threw. "Mom!! Dad!! Im home!" He shouted, then, the door opened, "oh my dear, you are 13 minutes late, you made me and your father worried!" She complained, "mom, I'm 18." "Still-" "okay, thanks mom, bye mom!!" He ran upstairs and went to his bedroom. "Psstt...ruii.." he whispered, rui jumps out of tsukasa's closet, almost making tsukasa scream. "Fufu~ why my prince, your such a frightened little boy~" rui pushes tsukasa into his bed and kissed him, "Rui- I didn't wanted- to conti-nuee~" "continue what, darling?" "....what happened in the bar..." "oh my! Darling, baby! I wasn't gonna do that~!" Rui chuckles, he leaned to tsukasa's neck, and whispers, "or am I..~?" He teased, "oh no you don't!" "Fufu, it seems like my prince doesn't understand teasing~" tsukasa smiles and layed on him. ( I forgot to mention that tsukasa and Rui is already wearing their sleeping clothes!).

- 2 : 37 -

Rui was still awake, of course. He was definitely bored, nothing to do? Well, there's one. "*Grabs phone* maybe this will make me fall asleep.." rui scrolls on Instagram, and tiktok. "Hmp~ I should check on nene." He thought. He goes to whatsapp and texted her;



Missed voice call at 2:40
Nene are u awake

Why u call me
Reply to you : was.

Like im super bored right now
And im cuddling with tsu and
I dont want to wake him up


Did u fucked him?
Be srs with me now.
I was gonna fuck him
But he dissagreed.. :(

Anw good night to rui
Dont wake me up again
Or else i'll block you

Ok good night nene

"Mhph~" tsukasa yawned "rui? Why are you still awake?" "Oh uhm, tsu.." "well..i cant go to sleep.." rui giggled a bit "hm!" Tsukasa goes to a sitting position, he grabbed rui's head and putted rui head on his lap. "O- oh?" Tsukasa starts to play with rui's hair, stroking it and curling it. After what it felt for 12 minutes, rui started to feel sleepy, "tsu.. your too good at making people sleepy~" "hehe.. i guess i am." Rui falls asleep on tsukasa's lap. Tsukasa slided down with rui on his hands, and cuddled him.

"Goodnight, honey.♡"


Bonus~ : (Tsukasas mom's pov = )

I opened my sons room to see him.. kissing a man!?! I cant believe him.. oh my gosh my son's gay!
So cute~!☆


Writer's note :

Hey guys!! Next week, im going to have exam so i wont be updating alot until 21 november, i think so? Yeah! Thank you for reading this silly one'shot~ sorry for the late updates soon!

~ Word count total : 1102 words ! ~

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