Chapter 3

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I sat staring at the note in my hand. Just like the ones I had found in the cemetery. Had Harry been out there? Planting those for me to find? Was something seriously wrong? I sat it down on the bed side table and laid down rubbing my forehead then got up and walked to the window and opened the blinds looking out. A figure stood on the grass the moon casting over them as they stood there. I turned and grabbed a sweater forgetting shoes and ran out to the gate and cursed. I didn't have a key to unlock it. I turned and walked to Sarah's room. I knew she was asleep. But I also knew she never locked her bedroom door. I walked over and opened it as quietly as I could and walked in slowly. I could see her breathing under her blanket fast asleep. I walked over to her bed side table and opened the first draw. There sat the gate key. I grabbed it and walked out closing the door behind me and walked to the gate, unlocking it and walking out. I ran to the doors and outside and looked around. But he was gone. I knew who it had been and I had wanted to ask him what the notes where about. I walked out onto the grass and looks around for any sign of my him but found none. I walked to the bench under a tree facing the front of the building. I looked over the wall, the plants growing up the side and around the windows. How dark and creepy it looked in the night, the moons shinning over certain parts and darkening others. It sent a shiver down my spine like the first day I was here.
"You looking for someone?" A voice spoke from behind me. I jumped up and turned towards him. Those green eyes shinning brightly against the dark night sky behind him and I knew exactly who it was the moment I saw those eyes. But that didn't calm my nerves. I just stared at him for a long time, not sure what to say or if there was anything to say at all. He stared back for a while then walked around and sat down on the bench staring at the building just like I had. I sat down slowly keeping a good amount of distance between us. It was quiet for a while and I listened to the wind tussle through the trees. The sound was calming. This whole sitting area would be if I wasn't sitting next to a crazy patient in front of an insane asylum.
"Do you have a question to ask me?" His voice broke through the silence and I looked over at him. He kept looking forward. Not moving from the position he had been in for the last 5 minutes. I cleared my throat and sat back leaning my back against the bench.
"That note you handed me earlier, I found a few more like them in the cemetery earlier." I looked at him, he had turned his head slightly and was looking at me with that intense look that always seemed to be there. "Did you plant them there for me to find?" I asked quietly keeping my eyes on his face. He turned away and nodded slowly.
"Why?" I asked sitting up more trying to get a good look at his face.
"Because it's the truth. You need to leave before it's too late," he looked at me, "before your next." The look on his face was total worry like he was begging me to leave.
"Harold." We both looked up at the same time and saw two guards and the doctor standing in the door way of the front doors. As they made their way to us Harry turned to me and gripped my shoulders looking me in the eye.
"Leave. Now. I swear to Christ get out now."
My eyes widened in fear and I looked at his hands and back at him.
"What are you talking about? Before I'm next for what?" He shook his head and looked up and back at me.
"Just leave, you can't find out why or they'll kill you just like the o-"
A hand planted into Harry's shoulders and stopped his sentence in its tracks. For the first time since I meet him I saw fear in his eyes as he looked at the mans hand and slowly lowered his from my body.
"Harold what are you doing out here after curfew, you know that's against the rules, we don't any of you going missing or getting lost."
I looked up and one of the guards helped Harry to his feet and Doctor Scotter looked down at me and for the first time he looked almost...scary...threatening. I gulped and stood slowly as the guards walked Harry back to the front doors. Doctor put his hand on the small of my back and walked me back to the doors.
"I'm sorry Allie but we don't let anyone out side the building after 9 pm, including guests and employees, just to be safe make sure everyone stays safe." I nodded and walked inside. He wakes me back to the gate and I turned to him.
"Where's Harry going?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled.
"Why back to his room where else would he go, head back to your room Allie get some sleep and don't worry everything is under control."
I stepped back into the hallway as he closed and locked the gate and walked away. I watched his back disappear and then turned and walked back to my room and sat on the bed staring at the note on my bed side table.
"Before your next" rang around in my head over and over and I couldn't sleep. Where they really gonna kill me? I laid back and closed my eyes and sighed. What was I thinking, he was a mental patient he was probably telling that to scare me off and stop my studies. I looked over at the window and got up closing the blinds and sat back down then got up and started pacing rubbing my face. Was he lying? Or telling the truth. I sat back down and looked at the roof biting my lip sighing. I didn't know what to do what to think. Everything was just jumbled up in my head and I couldn't think straight. I reached into my back and grabbed my phone plugging my earphones in and laid back putting them in and closed my eyes listening to the music. I took some deep breathes and slowly started to fall asleep letting the music put me to sleep. Just before I fell into a deep sleep I heard a sound come from under me. I listened past my music and tried to hear it again. And the noise the followed made my eyes open wide and for my heart to start racing in my chest. From the room under me I could hear talking and the sound a machines moving. Then a a scream echoed from under me loud and clear and full of agony.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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