Streaks across the sky.

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"The weather is fine for an excursion, why not venture to the mountain?" tAI encouraged. The food synthesizer, which took leftovers organic compounds and rearranged them into more processed food, spat out chips, hot dogs, and other such processed foods in neat packaged lunches.

Carter gnawed his lips, weighing his decision carefully as he always did for anything. He was decisive, but thought things through painstakingly. Finally he nodded, and an enthusiastic "Yay!" Came from an apparently empty corner.

Petra appeared, grinning. Her bubbling enthusiasm was not mirrored by Arianna, who stomped in scowling. She slammed the fridge open and chugged a Mountain Dew. She seemed to literally lighten up when the caffeine entered her system. With one glance at Carter she insinuated everything.

"Oh, pray tell what paramount decision our self proclaimed leader has painstakingly made!" She said in saccharine sarcasm.

"To quite taking your sh*t Arianna!" Carter spat, crossing his arms, stepping closer to the wild blond.

Arianna smiled devilishly, and turned swiftly smirking to herself as her long hair hit him in the face. She fluidly snatched a box of poptarts off the counter and flung her self haphazardly into a seat at the kitchen table.

Petra joined her with a bowl overflowing with sugary cereal.Carter grabbed a pear and angrily made his way to the gym to take his stress out on a punching bag. He didn't like to have his authority questioned, and then be suddenly responsible when a crisis occurred. Arianna just got under his skin..Maybe it was because she was barely the second eldest. Yes, that seemed to be it.

He nodded to Aris and Taron who were in deep conversation when he passed them in the hall. The gym was on the lowest level far below the ground. The floor was just a thin layer over the ice so it was a few degrees cooler than the rest of the biosphere.

He spent most of his time here. Alone with exercise equipment he calmed himself in his own way. He usually was upset because of Arianna. It was like she went out of her way to annoy him. He pulled on a pair of boxing gloves and lost himself in the rhythmic repetitive motion of punching.


"Why is Antarctica so da-NG cold?" Petra whined, lagging behind the group. They were walking to the mountains near their headquarters. Despite the bright sunlight the temperature was still frigid. Taron opened his mouth to give a well recited scientific response but was stopped by a glare from Arianna. She was hovering as usual.

"Because it is. Just shut up and enjoy the lovely landscape Ca-someone wants us to enjoy. I personally want to be inside."

"Being cold burns calories. it's good for you." Carter shot back.

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME FAT?!" She flew at his face and kicked him knocking him down.

"No I did not!" He grabbed her ankle and dragged her down to his height and put his hand on her shoulder to keep her from floating off. "Now 'ianna, take a deep breath and stop overreacting!"

"Don't call me that, and overreact this!!!!" She jeered, swinging a weighted fist into his face. He staggered, a trickle of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. The other three had already started away.

"That made no sense and ow! you jerk!" He wiped his lip and glared at her. Once again she was pissing him off with no reason.

"Carter, you need to...." Her eyes went upward and her head curved in an arc tracking something. "CARTER!"

"What?!" He followed her finger to see dark specks streaking across the sky leaving thin grey tails. Missiles. He forgot any animosity and grabbed her hand. ""ianna, we have to run! They must be aimed at the headquarters."

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