Unlimited koji

177 5 2

This is my head Canon


Unlimited koji (negative diff)—>horny koji
Horny koji (extremely low diff)—>prime koji
Prime koji (low dif)—>current koji
Current koji(high dif))—>world

Unlimited koji Stats
Grip strength: 600kg+ (subject to increase)
Land speed: 70mph+(subject to increase)
Water speed:55mph+(subject to change)
Stamina: record: ran at top speed for 12hours with out any major changes in breathing same with swimming.
Other stats: up to writer, but should balance out with grip strength.
Piano:perfect run on rush E (Childs play)

Everyone else is still the same as ln

Prologue idea:
-4gen dies out except for koji at the age of 6 Because koji can go up against all instructors at once and win.

-koji meets with the professer and gets permission to acres all chemicals and elements.

-koji quickly makes new elements that are stronger and better in every way.

-koji meets with his father again and asks to mass produce his new elements and gets permission to make super futureistic robots, and make a sub which has all facilities to train only koji.

-arisu visits whiteroom at age 9 but only sees what koji let's her which is what she sees in the vol 0 or in LN 

-koji finished constructing and programming robots and sub (which makes cool splashing sound when rising out of the water because it is a bit more like a submersible building than a sub)at the age of 10

-robot(high-mid diff)—>horny koji

-5th gen visits the sub at the age of 13 they witness koji(14) taking on 50 robots at a time with relative ease for a warmup(also this is the first time the 5th gen go outside is to go to the ocean to view his warmup)

-1 month before ANHS school year start koji requests to go to a school because he wants to learn how to communicate because it could really help him(writer provides a reason most likely for communication and emotions or just for fun)

-after getting accepted koji's sub,robots, other stuff is set up at school in the water and the chairman knows about it koji has 3 week period at the mansion and maintains his physiques and strength.

-school starts and only the top people at the school such as Fuka,koenji, manabu, and maybe arisu have a chance of catching on to the sounds his sub makes when rising.

-koji makes limiters that control his brain to hold back to the strength and intelligence of "current koji" but when in sub they deactivate while in his body so he is at max strength(he made 1 million of these and is on )
-limiters come out naturally when in a stressful situation that need more strength and or intelligence to deal with an issue
-only needs 1-10% of current koji to absolutely dominate ANHS
Female lead(s)?
Ichika: instantly followed koji to anhs
Kei: to follow original plot and because kei is cute
OC: up to the author
Other characters:up to author
Harem/friends with to benefits:up to author

To be honest this is just me wanting an super OP Mc who does cool things

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