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The first thing you hear upon waking up is the sound of cursing. It's not the higher notes and softer sound of your roommate, it's the lower gravely sounds of your boyfriend. Rolling over you grab your phone off the charger and check the time. A bright 8:04AM stares back at you, the smaller Saturday, March 01 catches your eye.

The big UVA vs Tech game today.

Sitting up with a stretch you let out a yawn, catching the attention of one Bradley Bradshaw.

"Morning sweetheart," he beelines for you swooping down for a morning kiss.

"Nope no sir," You scrunch your nose and shake your head, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet, I've got morning breath."

"And I don't care," he retaliates, grabbing your cheeks to give you a peck to the lips. He backs up smiling before spinning around and doing a little shimmy in victory.

You roll your eyes as he goes back to pulling all of his gameday stuff together. After a few minutes you swing your legs over the bed and stand up, intentions of heading to the bathroom. On the way over you take a quick detour and smack Bradley's ass with a smirk on your face. With a yelp as your reward you quickly shut the bathroom door.

Pulling out your toothbrush and toothpaste you think about this time last year. You had just met Bradley through some mutual friends, one of your best friends playing on the team with him. He might've been a junior while you and Mickey were freshmen but that wasn't going to stop you from looking. Plus what was the harm, with him looking like that and playing as good as he did you didn't stand a chance it was just fun. Until after one of the last practices of the season he waltzed up to where you were sitting watching practice and asked you to get dinner with him the next night. You were never expecting for things to last this long.

Rinsing your mouth out and opening the door you smile looking up, Bradley leaning on the door frame smirking down at you. Pulling yourself up on your tiptoes you meet him halfway for a kiss. You wrap your arms around his shoulders to balance yourself. The kiss doesnt last long and you lean into his chest once you both pull back.

"You're going to do great today." You say tilting your head up to look at him, a soft smile on your lips. The grimace you get in return is nothing new, especially with the game against Tech coming up. You know how he stresses about these games, he might already have what he's doing after he graduates lined up but he also cares about making sure all the guys who want to go pro have the best exhibitions that they can.

"You saw how close Tech was to beating us last year. Their pitcher was a freshman and was damn good, he's had a whole year to get better."

"Yes, but so has everyone on our team. Your coach knows our weakness against them is the pitcher which is why batting has been doubled down on. How many hours have you guys spent in the batting cages the last two weeks?"

With a sigh, a sign you're right, Bradley responds, "more than half our practice time. I know, but Seresin just gets under my skin."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" You ask, squeezing him just a little tighter. You might not know everything about baseball but between Mickey, Kaitlyn, and Bradley you could keep up with 90% of the conversations around you.

Bradley jumps back with a big grin, "Yes!" He takes off to the other side of his dorm room, the one he has to himself, you are not jealous. He reaches down into his duffle and pulls out one of his jerseys, it's not the one he has to wear today but it's identical. "Wear it? For the game." He asks the question so softly, like you'd say no.

A wide smile breaks across your face, your eyes crinkling. "Of course!" You exclaim quickly pacing across the room. Once you're in front of him he slips it over your head, and you slip your arms in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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