A Day Out

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"Oooooookay, whatever you're doing, you need to stop. This noise is obnoxious."

You paused for a moment, your (fr/c) ears swiveling to the speaker's voice while your dulled-(e/c) eyes stayed trained on the wall. "Nice of you to join me... Darcy." You replied with your voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh don't be like that. You chose to stay here anyway. And sheesh, you tryin' to put a hole in the wall?" Darcy stumbled over a bit on their way over, steadying themselves by latching onto your extended arm mid-punch. You were pummeling the metal wall for a while, starting to actually make a small dent (I know that's impossible but I'm just gonna say that you're durable enough and have been punching the wall for a long time).

"I don't recall it being a fair choice. And I know that sound and feeling was you tripping over your cape." You added with a small smirk.

"Shut up... So how's your injuries?" Darcy glared at you before softening only slightly, still looking annoyed.

"How do you know about those?"

"We've seen you clutch your torso with a pained look every now and then, and we overheard you ordering one of the servants to bring you gauze on your first day."

You scowled, still glowering at the wall. "My injuries are fine, I guess. Why do you care? You've locked me up in this room."

"Okay that's uncalled for. You're welcome to leave this room anytime you like to explore the city or some parts of the castle, and this room is certainly not locked- you've just kept yourself in this very nice bedroom for days." Darcy glanced at the door, remembering bringing food trays outside of it for the, ahem, guest. They weren't sure why they had brought the food themselves to your room instead of ordering someone else to do it, or why they always made sure it was something you would like, but they found themselves doing it for what seemed like no particular reason. They returned their gaze back to the angry cat now facing them with their arms crossed, blank eyes locked onto Darcy, though remaining sightless.

"Hmph. I bet I would be followed... ev-every-everywhere..." You faltered, suddenly detecting Darcy's hot breath close to your face. "W-Wha? What are you doing?!" You shoved them away, fur bristling and ears shot up in alarm.

"Relax. we were merely studying your eyes. In all of our lives, I have never- ah- we have never encountered a blind newt, toad, or frog; much less a blind human-ish creature. Like we said before, you fascinate me."

"O-Oh. Thanks, I'm flattered." You rolled your eyes.

You turned back to the wall, delivering one last punch before walking away to your surprisingly soft bed. You spent half of your first day feeling around your room, filling in the gaps that your sense of smell couldn't, so you could find your way around without looking like someone who couldn't decide to go left or right. You curled up, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your tail around yourself with your ears flattened.

Darcy noticed this sudden change in mood, one second you were snapping and testy, the next you were curled up and close to tears. They hesitated, closing all their eyes and steepling their hands to come to a consensus as to why the shift in your demeanor. They went through their own memories, Marcy's memories, and research. They opened their eyes as they stopped on one particular memory that explained everything.

Today was the 5th anniversary of you meeting Marcy for the first time.

Darcy took a glance at your wrapped up form, sensing a strange feeling. Guilt? Pity? No. There's no way. The Core does not feel such emotions, Darcy told themselves. Nevertheless, Darcy marched over to you, putting their hands on their hips.

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