You Fascinate Me

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"Argh..." You mumbled, clutching your head and torso in pain. You slowly sat up, feeling the hard, cold cobblestones beneath you as you raised your head. "Where the hell am I...?" You muttered, raising your head, hearing the bustling sounds of a city, your (h/l) (h/c) hair blowing in the breeze. "What happened?"

"Halt! You're under arrest!" Some people had apparently been around you and encircled you, and you could hear the shink! of metal weapons, probably spears, being thrusted toward you. "In the name of Newtopia!"

You paled a bit, (fr/c) colored ears flattened and your fur stood on end with devastation at your realization. These were the newt guards Anne told you about. You were stranded in the City of Newtopia in Amphibia.

And you were completely alone.


Energy was crackling in the air, lightning fizzing all around the garage. Despite not being able to see, even you could realize the room was glowing extremely bright due to Anne's mystical blue powers. You heard the sounds of the portal growing, picking up gasps from the people and frogs surrounding you a few feet away from Anne.

The Boonchuy parents gasped.

"The portal!" Dr. Jan exclaimed.

"How is this possible?!" Terri adds on, staring wide-eyed at the portal next to Dr. Jan, you assume.

"She's powering it like some kind of-" "Human battery!"Jess finishes Ally's sentence.

"What is that place?!" Mr. X yelled, apparently watching the portal as well, "And- whoa! Is that a giant praying mantis?! And a weird city?!"

'Huh, wish I could see it.' You thought, rolling your eyes. Presumably the sounds you caught were a combination between city noises and countryside noises.

"Weird, it's flashing between two places! I think it's Newtopia and somewhere outside cities and towns!" Sprig shouted.

Hop Pop fretted, "Let's hope we don't land in Newtopia, kids!"

"Men, seize them! This is it!" He continues.

The (again, what you assumed) FBI agents called out, "Hut, hut, hut," and tried to surround you, Anne, and the Plantars.

Anne concocted a plan with something about an avocado from Hop Pop and the giant praying mantis, but you didn't notice as you sat on the metal floor, ears twitching with a sudden new, but subtle, sound you picked up that was steadily becoming louder and closer.

"(Y/N)!!" You heard Anne scream, causing you to flinch and stand up to turn to her.

Suddenly you were picked up in a agonizing, crushing grip, by another mantis that had also come through the portal. Unfortunately for you, this mantis seemed more interested in shaking you violently with it's (face pincers?) digging into your torso. You shrieked, out of fear but mostly out of pain.

It dragged you with it before being stopped by the FBI agents who were trying to tackle both insects. At the abrupt stop, the giant bug unclamped you, flinging you into the portal the second before it changed.


You were now being lugged by the Newtopian guards, through the palace hallways with one newt each grasping your arms on either side and your knees & legs being dragged along the floor.

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