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"Hey, it's okay to make mistakes." Nick glanced at Luke, seeing an expression on his face that was too similar to Nick's. It hurt. "Trust me, I've made some myself. And they hurt." Luke looked miserable, and even worse in this situation. He looked exhausted. The slim moon wasn't helping at all. In fact, the light from it was forming dark shadows that casted over Luke's face like a veil. Dark shadows that emphasized the sleepless look in his eyes and the dark bags. The glassy look in Luke's eyes that resembled a cracked soul.

In that short moment of theirs, Nick wanted nothing more than to grab Luke and whisper soft words of love to him. To assure him it was going to be okay. To hug him closely, until he could at last see the bottled tears in Luke's eyes, and watch as they drip down his face. To brush away those tears, and get him back onto his feet.

"You look more shaken than I do," Nick said, almost chuckling to himself at the tragedy.

"Really?" Luke asked. Nick nodded, looking up at the sky. "Maybe, maybe not. But, listen to me, Nick." Nick turned his head to Luke, giving him his full attention. "What matters is that you attempt to fix those mistakes. As long as you try, I promise you, it will pass. No matter how long it takes." Without realizing it, a tear brushed down Nick's face. He coughed, his hands reaching to wipe the tears.

Only Luke beat him to it. His thumb brushed Nick's cheek, wiping the tears. He didn't know if he was hallucinating it or not, but Luke's hand lingered for longer than he should've. It disappointed him immensely that Luke's touch was lost. Nick chuckled, wiping the rest. "I'm so sorry for bothering you, Luke. Sorry for crying too. I know it's pathetic."

"Don't worry about it, Nick. It's okay to cry. We're friends after all." Friend. The word pained Nick, but he knew it was true. "Just remember my advice, okay?" Nick nodded, getting up. He brushed the sand off of his pants, shaking himself clean. After he was done, he extended a hand to Luke to help him up. The blonde grasped it, and Nick pulled him up. They were close, their noses almost touching. It made the raven stiffen, his whole mind crashing. They stared into each other's eyes for a second, then Luke pulled away. To Nick, it felt like a minute. He prayed his blush wasn't obvious. He loved Luke's eyes. They reminded him of the comforts of the coast. The sun-tanned beach, the laughter, the joy, the sky that always glowed a beautiful blue. He knew that after this trip to the beach, every time he saw the ocean, he would see Luke inside.

His blonde hair that felt like cotton in his fingers, his smile that shined similar to the sun. His face, dotted with marks that Nick wanted to kiss, brush against, gaze at for hours. His personality that radiated Nick's own. Luke feels so compatible with Nick, yet Luke was past his extended fingertips. He wondered if he would ever truly find out what Luke's body was like underneath his clothes. He choked on the thought, slapping away the impure thoughts that crashed into his mind.

They walked back to the house, both of them not talking to each other. They didn't need to. Enough words were said on the beach, and now they were both tired. As soon as they arrived back, they rushed to the bedroom. Luke collapsed onto the bed immediately, laughing quietly. He looked content. Nick smiled at the blonde. He climbed into bed as well, exhaling a long breath.

"Night, Nick."

"Night." Nick wanted to say something else, but he wasn't sure how to word it. It was as if his words jumbled into only a small sentence that one would think was insincere. "Thank you." He rolled over to his side, facing away from Luke.

"Mhm," Luke murmured, obviously tired.

Sleep overcame the two, and with that, a sign of peace coming closer into both of their lives.

As the week passed, everyone got closer to one another. George began revealing a chaotic personality as his comfort zone was overcame. He, surprisingly, hung out with Karl the most. It shocked Nick, but then again, he never took the time to get to know the brunette. Nick, meanwhile, was bonding more with Dream's friend group. He came to be very defensive and loving to them.

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