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Nick's eyes and mouth widened simultaneously in shock. Luke wanted to share a room with him? His thoughts became jumbled, too many thoughts intersecting each other to make sense. In all of those thoughts, the only emotion that was clear was surprise. He cleared his racing thoughts, then shook his head.


"Fine by me. You two are comfortable enough with each other anyway," Dream said as he shrugged.

Nick mentally cursed, his unspoken words left in the air. He took a risk to glance at Luke, who was peering at him from the corner of his eye. He could see the corners of his lips lifted up. Nick's gaze averted Luke's, his inner self mentally panicking.

"Anyway, I'm getting this room!" Dream yelled before making a run for the room. Everyone else snatched their belongings, and rushed to the rooms to see who would get the best one. Nick merely stood in place, his body stiff. One question rang in his mind: why would Luke do that?

"Nick! Are you coming or not?" Luke's voice rang.

"Give me a sec," Nick muttered, grabbing his things and dragging his feet to the room Luke chose.

The door was wide open, revealing a blonde who was rummaging through his clothes. His head turned, a smile showed on his face. "What are you waiting for?" Nick scoffed, throwing his things to the floor. "I'm gonna go change in the bathroom real quick." Luke got up with clothes in hand, and left for the bathroom.

Nick only stared at his clothes, his emotions making him feel out of it. He took in a deep breath, then exhaled just as slowly. He changed into his sleepwear, feeling that at least something was going to be comfortable. Then, yet another thought struck him.

He was going to sleep in the same bed as Luke.

Of course, this is the most obvious thing that could be shown to someone in this exact situation. However, emotions always make the mind forgetful. Nick froze in place, blush rising to his cheeks. He heard footsteps approaching, which were probably Luke's. He shut his suitcase closed, then scrambled onto the bed, pretending that he wasn't doing anything important.

Luke walked in, looking as handsome as ever. He was wearing a sweater and sweatpants. This made Nick furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Why such thick covers? Luke noticed the face and he chuckled. "I get cold easily." Nick made an 'o' with his mouth as his reaction. "Are you going to brush your teeth? I would prefer it if I wasn't sleeping next to someone who would breathe trash on me." Nick launched a pillow at Luke's head, grumbling to himself as he grabbed his brush and toothpaste.

He brushed his teeth briefly, too distracted to care. He would brush better in the morning anyways. As he walked into the room, Luke was already snuggled into the bed. The covers were hugged close to him similar to the way a child would hold their dear 'blankie'. Nick padded slowly to the bedside, careful to not wake Luke up. His eyes couldn't avoid the blonde's face.

The blonde's eyes were shut, his hair splayed in such a way that it almost looked like he did it on purpose to look alluring. His chapped lips breathed soft sighs, as quiet as a feather falling to the ground. In summary, Luke looked peaceful, yet beautiful. The gentle rising and submerging of his chest calmed the raven.

He wanted nothing more than to hold Luke in his arms. Why was he having these feelings this quickly? Nick's expression turned into one of dejection, confusion, and exhaustion. Luke probably didn't like him that way. His mind accepted this thought, his racing heart steadying into a dull, calm one.

He sat on the bed, careful to not make the mattress creak. He adjusted his positioning, laying down. He couldn't help but look at Luke again. His eyes roamed Luke, wanting to take in every detail. Nick had to force himself to look away. He rolled onto his side, facing away from the blonde.

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