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Nick was rummaging through his clothing for something black to hide himself at night. He was able to pick out a black turtleneck and black ripped jeans. He would have to borrow a black jacket or a hoodie from Dream. The raven was picking accessories to put on his outfit for fun, when he heard two knocks sound at his door. "Y'know you can come in anytime, Dream." Nick was looking at a silver chain, pondering if it would shine too bright when the moon would illuminate its milky shine on him.

The door opened. He felt Dream's presence close behind him. Nick turned his head, seeing Dream's eyes go over his outfit for tonight, then to the silver that the raven was holding. He finally turned to Nick, raising an eyebrow. "Going to a club?"

"No," Nick scoffed. He finally tossed the chain on the black clothing, deciding on bringing it.

"Then where are you going, looking so hot?"

Nick rolled his eyes, slightly flushing at the compliment. "I'm going scouting. I might not choose town square. It is a bit too risky for my taste."

"Finally taking my advice." Dream grinned, poking Nick's cheek with his finger.

"Yeah, yeah."

Nick finished choosing his outfit and accessories. He looked at Dream with a questioning look. "Why did you come into my room?"

Dream shrugged. "Bored, that's all. I do have something to do with my job later."

Dream had a job, while Nick didn't. Dream's job had something to do with coding. The place he was working at was pretty popular, so Dream was always getting a massive check. Dream had enough to pay for the bills alone -though Nick absolutely refused the idea of it- and to even move out of this place into some rich neighborhood. However, he stayed for Nick's sake. Internally, the raven was grateful, but he felt guilty for keeping Dream here. For Nick, his followers were mainly his way of getting money. They would donate to him a couple hundreds at times. He made sure to spend it wisely, only using it for the necessities.

The raven gazed at the clothing, looking over their soft, delicate fabric. His plan was in his head again, making everything else foggy. Nick felt his heartbeat beat loudly, as if it was trying to escape Nick's chest. He took a deep breath. He felt a hand on his shoulder.



Nick heard a chuckle from the blonde. "I know you, Sap. Don't even try to deny it." The blonde's thumb began rubbing Nick's shoulder in circles. It eased the raven, making him want to lean into the affectionate hand.

"Maybe I am."

"Y'know, your followers don't need this big project. You don't need to do this to outshine Punz. He's a douchebag, and everyone can tell."

Nick hummed in thought to the statement. What Dream was saying was true. He didn't need to do all this for the sake of becoming better than a cocky artist. And he knew that his followers loved him no matter what. But the problem was that Nick always wants to improve. He would push his friends, family, health, just to do so. His best friend knew that.

There was this period in his life where Nick was challenged multiple times online to do something big, where everyone could see it. So he did. He spent countless sleepless nights, planning and performing his practiced work for the world to see. Nick was careful so that no police officer would catch him in the act. He proved them all wrong. Though, the aftereffects set in as soon as he was done. He was too exhausted to do much for around a week. He ate and drank very little, and his muscles were too sore to move. Dream had to take care of him the whole time, and Nick knew that the blonde was busy with his own life. Dream would take the time out of his day, his own resting hours, to take care of Nick. Afterwards, the raven wouldn't stop feeling guilty despite Dream assuring Nick that it was okay.

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