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Nick got out of his car quickly, slamming the door closed. He ran toward his favorite spray paint store. He smashed into the store's door, the door swinging open. He looked around quickly, trying to find his favorite employee.

"And where are you going in such a rush?" a brunette smiled, his eyes teasing from behind the register. "Are you out of stock of your cans?"

"No, I'm looking for you!" Nick sprinted over to the register, leaning into the brunette's proximity. George leaned his head back, his eyes concerned.

"And, why?" he asked, smacking Nick's face away.

"Well, I'm going on a vacation," Nick started, resting his elbows on the counter. "And, I want you to come with us."

George looked puzzled. "Me?"

"No. I'm talking to the guy behind you." George looked behind himself, seeing no one there. "I'm talking to you, stupid."

"I don't know if I should go."

"Well, why not? I know you have a lot of vacation time saved up. You literally work here every single day." George furrowed his eyebrows, deep in thought.

"How long is it?"

"Just a week! We're going tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!" George yelped. "And you decide to tell me now?"

"Yeah! Not like you have anything to do anyway. Please, George." Nick attempted to give him a sad look, leaning over the register again. "Pretty please!"

George hummed in thought, tapping his cheek with his pointer finger. "Fine. Let me go ask my boss if I can finally use my days and if I can get off early today."

"Yes!" Nick grinned excitedly. He's never actually hung out with George. They only became familiar with each other due to Nick coming to the store so many times. He would be able to make more friends. The poor brunette was always not good at socializing and was reserved to himself.

George disappeared into the employee area, leaving Nick to wait. After a couple minutes, George came back, a soft smile on his face. "I can go." Nick grabbed George's hands from across the counter and clapped them together happily.

"Let's go!"

George changed into his regular clothes and left the store with Nick. The raven was walking George to the brunette's car. Nick was bouncing in his steps, clearly showing his excitement. The brunette chuckled at the positivity. "I haven't seen you this happy in a while. You also haven't visited the store lately. You okay?"

Nick began to walk normally, recalling his negative stage. He was still in it. He was recovering little by little though. "Hasn't been the best to be honest with you. How about you?"

"I like the quiet. No annoying, hyper artists running around the store." George received a shove from that comment.

"Well, anyway. We're going to the beach. It's also going to be a drive. I don't know how long it is though." Nick shrugged. "Also, four other people are going."

"Oh." George lowered his eyes. He began to fidget with his fingers. Nick noticed the sudden change in George's emotions.

Nick put his arm on George's shoulder, grinning. "Don't be nervous, Georgie. I'll stick with you and help you out."

George gave him a small smile. He shoved Nick's arm off, rolling his eyes. "I don't need your help. You would probably make it worse anyway." Nick pouted, facing away from George while crossing his arms. "Haha, I'm joking, Nick." The two finally arrived at George's car. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

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