From a small backpack, she pulls out a cookie.

Akali: "Cookie...?"

As Mr. L/n reaches out, I put myself on guard.

My tendrils flare up and spike aside me. 

His hands wrap around the cookie and slowly pull away.

My heart beats quickly.

I wasn't sure what brought on my fear.

Oh right... His ability.

I try to calm myself as Ahri stands up and walks over to the small group.

Kai'sa: "I see you also adopted an introvert."

Vi PoV

Me: "Yeah... He's a real handful sometimes. I mean, everything is working against him from a social standpoint."

He squeezes my arm in disagreement.

Me: "You know something similar to this happened when I first started to get him out there."

I smile at the pop star, who was a lot nicer than the others.

Me: "I took him to a bar, and since he wasn't used to it, he froze up instantly. The owners were so scared they hired him as a bouncer. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the last time that happened."

I sigh to myself.

Five different pubs have Y/n as a bouncer.

She placed her hand on my shoulder with sympathy.

Kai'sa: "Our Akali wasn't much better, she used to snap at people because she was socially anxious."

She crossed her arms with a small smile.

Kai'sa: "She's better now though, but she still doesn't like talking to strangers all that much."

She tilts her head, pointing somewhere.


Y/n and Akali were sitting down together... Talking to each other!?

I have never seen him talk to someone off the get-go like that.

Kai'sa: "They seem to be hiring it off well, that's a mighty accomplishment for Akali."

Me: "For them both, I've NEVER seen him talk to someone on the first meeting. Hell, it took three weeks for him to start talking to me verbally."

She nodded.

Kai'sa: "Ah, it seems they've found some form of kinship."

I could still hear them whispering with each other, but I couldn't tell what.

Kai'sa: "Oh..."

I turn my attention back to her.

She was signing Y/n's poster.

Kai'sa: "Akali dear, could you come here."

She turns her attention to her and hops off the couch to walk over to us.

I-I'm not scary (K/DA x Shy Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now