Chapter 1

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I have to say something!

Evelynn: "Did you not hear me, asshole? I told you to fuck off."

I'm s-scared.

Evelynn stands before me in all her fury.

This was the second warning she had given me.

My idol is calling me an asshole... and I can't even muster the courage to speak a word.

I clench my fist in self-loathing.

Evelynn visibly flinches as I do.

I'm not even supposed to be here! I was supposed to be enjoying the concert!

Earlier That Day.

I hum happily to the tune of Micheal Buble's Feeling Good as I pop out of the shower.

My hair glistened with water, and my body steamed as the colder air of the house hit my skin after my warm shower.

Stepping forward I look at the mirror and smile.

Today is the day!

I combed my hair.

All these weeks of saving up money will be worth it.

I dry my body using a nearby towel before I grab a Q-Tip and clean my ears.

The track switches to Confetti's Guilty Pleasure.

I bob my head lightly and exit my bathroom, music still playing. 

Looking at my bedroom dresser, I locate the source of my excitement.

A prestige K/DA concert ticket!

I quickly get dressed in my best outfit.

A nice suit that my best friend gifted me.

I think I'd be lost without Vi.

I shove in my collar, making me look even more professional.

She "adopted me" at the gym.

I still remember that day vividly.

It was the first time anyone had approached me of their own volition before.

               *                         *                             *

???: "Yo, big man."

I rack up my bar and look up to see a girl.

Pink hair, sports bra, and gym shorts.

She was well built, had good muscle definition, and was very much conditioned.

???: "I need someone to spot me, can you help?"

She didn't seem like the type to need help.

Unfortunately for me, I had been staring at her blankly while my thoughts flew by.

???: "It's cool if you can't, just let me know."

Oh no!

My face tightens up, giving me my signature angry face.

The girl tilts her head.

???: "Oh... Social anxiety huh?"

My eyes widened.

How does she...

???: "I've got a friend who had social anxiety, she used to make that face too."

I-I'm not scary (K/DA x Shy Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now