Chapter 4

634 31 10

3rd person POV

Day of match

Match 4

Team Z vs Team Y

This match for both Team is a deathmatch, the one who will lose, will be no longer able to made It up to the next stage of Blue lock.

"Say Kuon-san, do you Think It's a good idea for me to stay on the bench" yotsuba said as they decided to make her begin on the bench once again like with the first match.

"We'd like to Make you play in the eleven Starter yotsuba-chan but since you are still not used with your binder, there is chance that Team Y get the ball easily and we still don't know what is truly is your weapon but don't worry we'll use you After are our secret weapon" Kuon the tactician of Team Z said as he patted yotsuba and get on the pitch along with the rest of Team Z.

[The <It's my turn to play 9> strategy, I wonder If It will be a success, all I can do as for now is to analyze Y's way of playing like with X, since they lost their match with a Great gap on the board against V It was difficult to figure out their best player so they decided to go with the best ranked players as main danger]
Yotsuba muttered silently in her side as she take a glance to Team Y's player and the one who stand out the most is the best ranked players of Y, Hibiki Ookawa, The best Scorer of the tournament of the préfecture of Kumamoto, It was easy to spot him among all the players with his yellow comb hair that yotsuba find ugly but nevertheless It fit him.

"Uh...oh!? I didn't noticed him at all" she said as her eyes looked at maybe the shortest boy among Y's players.

[This bowl haircut boy, It doesn't stand out at all but this is not a reason to judge by a first look] she concluded that the player that she will keep the eyes on is Ookawa and that short boy.

The kick-off was given by Bachira and Isagi, as the first weapon to be used is Bachira's.

His dribble make him the most dangerous player among Team Z, he can easily pass two players so stopping him is difficult but yotsuba's eyes widened when she saw the ball snatched from Bachira.

The one who stole It was none other than the short boy.

At first, she thought that It was a lucky move but the 10 min of Bachira's turn was a show of Him bumping into an unbreakable wall, she finally find out that Team Y was playing defensivly against Team Z, and That's one weapon that went to the waste.

"Then It's my turn" Kunigami said as he begin to make the winger move up towards the wing as he passed to them,he placed himself at the best position to take his Famous left shoot.

Raichi centered the ball as It landed to Kunigami's left foot,now he had the good angle to shoot but two players was going Against It, the leg of the Other one hit the ball as It went in the air letting Isagi trap It easily.

"Do more pressure and don't give him space to shoot" the boy which yotsuba stared at keep Give Order After Order.

[I see, so that's how they are playing, number 7, you are in my hitlist] the mood of yotsuba changed drastically as she finally understand the strategy used by Team Y and the Master puppeter.


Ookawa scored the first Goal of the match After a fast Counter Attack from a long pass of Niko and a ball lost After Kunigami missed another of his shoot. After Team Z give the kick-off again, when the ball was stolen by Y, never again until the end of the first half Team Z get the possession.

Once the whistle blow sounded, Team Y was in the lead with 1 to 0, yotsuba then analyzed all of the position of the players on the field, usually her Brain won't Stock many informations as It was shown in her score at School but once in a football pitch, by an unknown means she was able to collect all of the informations of the player on the field with a simple glance, the Number 7 was extremly talented in ordering the others but his way of playing It felt off context of what Blue lock is, like she is seeing a knock off of Isagi.

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