Chapter 11

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3rd person POV

The Match over, Yotsuba sweeping the sweat on her forehead decide to take another bath to regain composure After an impressive performance in This stage.

Yotsuba POV

Well It turns out we leveled up once again but is Isagi and Rin still in the 4th Stage...

"You're still weak, come back when you understand how human eyes works"

His words, I can't lose anymore, now that I'm able to see further than before, our chance to win is higher than before but I can't understimate them, and I wonder how much Isagi evolved since our last meeting.

"I'm fired up !!!"

I shout out of excitement, because there is no way we would lose for the second Time in a row and I'll make sure It become Real.

Out of the bath, I take the direction of our new Room but inside.

"What the-"

I was shocked, the Room was messier than before with Chigiri stuck up on his hair dryer and Nagi on his phone and Barou scolding them like If he was the "Mother" of the group.


What is that ? Whose socks is that ?

"It's mine, just throw It out on my bed, I'll arrange It later" the sound of his voice was a bit difficult but I do what he asked me.

"You,two tidy up everything, this Room is a total mess like both of you !" Barou shout but I was sure those two won't listen since they were all too much of themselves.

"Barou, wanna grab something to eat"

"Tsk, whatever, once I get Back here, I hope everything is tidy as the moment we come here"

At the cafétéria, we had a Steak and I decided to asked Him why he changed his own view of Things during the match because as I recall he wasn't someone to change.

"Well, you opened my eyes, I played like coward who can't fully expand his own Point of view that's why I will keep chasing After you before I can devore you"

I see, *nervous laugh, so to be clear, he change his own play to be able to surpass me...

I like that.

"I Prefer this Barou than the old one"

"What do you mean Third rate Queen ? Don't Think I become all fluffy and pink, I'm Still the only King on the field, keep that in your mind" he said as Barou left the table.

I sighed, with him in his new state, we could become more powerful but I also will use you Barou since our chemical reaction can't be reached without devouring each other.

As I took my plate and ready to leave the table, I felt a hand touching me from behind.

"What's up, Yotsuba, you take your Time to come up here"

That voice ? I turned to see the Boy who left my Team at the very Beginning of the stage but something seems off from Him, I don't know but he seems différent.

"Let's have a little chat"
He said as I followed Him through the corridor, from behind he seems more build than before but It was not even one week to begin with, how much did he train ? And how much he evolve in that few span of Time ?

Suddenly he stopped, as I made the same move but we were still in the same corridor, not a single voice comes out, well, only two teams were at this Stage as for now.

"Yotsuba...with who you escalated to this stage ?"

"I still Team up with Nagi then we beat Barou who joined us then Chigiri lastly"

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