Exclusive Chapter

CHAPTER 25.5 BONUS CONTENT (Chapter 25 from Asher's POV)

This chapter is the retelling of chapter 25 in Asher’s POV. It is not necessary to read this chapter to complete the story. It is bonus content. Are you curious what Asher was thinking as he and Harper navigated the quinceanera and night on the beach in chap
  • Süre 9m
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Author's Note
Writer: SarahLWhiteSarahLWhite
This exclusive chapter is bonus content. It is not necessary to complete the story. However, it is a bonus look into the characters. Through these additional chapters, we can enjoy more of the story and they provide me with an opportunity to share alternative
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Sarah White tarafından
On the eve of her senior trip, Harper Quincy finds out the only boy s...
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