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I CAN'T STOP MYSELF from looking at him. I'm at his mercy. A full blown whore for him, and I hate it, hate that I love it. I know he knows I'm watching him, but he doesn't look back at me, he never does. I don't have the same effect on him as he does me. At least, not in public.

Privately, however...

You'd think after touching my dick and fucking my mouth like the world was about to end, he'd at least give me a wink, a wave, a hint of a smile, something other than a stone cold freaking shoulder.

Surprise, surprise, he doesn't.

He just stands there, looking all kinds of hot with his fantastic hands (trust me) in his pockets, leaning back against the lockers as he tilts his head back and laughs at whatever Jack says.

It's not the same laugh he has when we're alone, when there's no one around but us. It doesn't rumble, his eyes don't crinkle, his lips don't immediately fall to mine; praising me for being the cause of that beautiful sound.

God, what a prick.

Is it so bad? Wanting him to just look at me? Is it asking too much? Considering I'm nothing more than a fuck buddy without the whole literal fucking and buddy part...


"So, what do you think?"

I blink, confused as a hand waves in front of my face; completely forgetting Killian's been next to me this entire time. I turn to look at him, smiling sheepishly for ignoring him and ogling his brother so openly.

"About what?"

"The music project?" He repeats in a soft voice, with zero irritation. The complete opposite of how his brother would react.

The what now?

I must've spaced out in music class which isn't like me at all. English, History, Chem, sure, always. Music, never. My head has well and truly been in the gutter all day, I don't remember anything about a project, or being paired with Killy. Matty always paired me with Luke, and Killian with his illiterate clone.

Why change the set up now?

When I don't respond, blue eyes roam my face, studying me with the adorable shy expression Killian always wears. To avoid losing this strange starting contest we've got going on, I take the time to study him too.

It seems to be my thing lately; comparing all my friends to Acehole, including his own siblings. I just can't stop myself.

Killian's pretty.

His features are like Ace's but softer, rounder, more of a baby face with big blue eyes that always hold that innocent, doe eyed expression. He has these to die for eyelashes that could make anyone weak at the knees, pouty lips too, though they're always smiling, rarely pursed. He's my height, maybe an inch or so shorter if I wore my chucks, they've always gave me some leverage.

Killy's good, so good, sweet like sugar kind of good. Nothing like his asshole of a brother, that's for sure. I bet he'd spare me a glance if I'd have sucked him off to the point of seeing stars. He wouldn't ignore me, berate me, put me down at any given chance. He'd be all warm hugs, soft touches and lingering kisses. Sweet, like I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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