Chapter four 🌧

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''Oh, c'mon Lumine pleaseeee!!'', ''No Paimon... this is very much different, we read people who have either already passed, or gone missing, but this isn't one of those cases, Venti is our friend let's just leave it alone.''

Paimon signed as we kept on walking, we stumbled upon a cave entrance with vines hanging, I and Paimon both looked at each other, ''Should we..?'' ''Yes.''

I slid the vines aside and stepped into the cave, the sight before us was amazing... a waterfall that flowed into a small pond, a small pond with some very pretty flowers I'd never seen before.. another stone table with seats.. and in the middle of all that, was a Harp, it was so big.. bigger than how it's supposed to be. "No way! Is that a harp?! Venti owns one!?" Paimon says in disbelief, "I wonder what other good things he's been hiding!", She says excitedly. 

We looked around hoping we'd find more things but we didn't, I and Paimon rested at the stone table, we had nothing to do. "It's so boring here," Paimon said signing, ''Ohh can we take a few pictures before we go?!'' Paimond asked with stars in her eyes. I agreed and took out my Kamera.

After a few pictures, we went exploring but we quickly got bored again. "Should we go...? I mean we serve no purpose being here right now." Paimon added, "Yeah... let's go I have commissions to do."

We went back to where Zhongli and Venti were to see Venti peacefully sleeping on Zhongli's lap, while he was reading a book and drinking osmanthus wine.

"Leaving already traveler?", "Haha.. yes I have commissions to do. So.. I'll see you two later!", "Save travels." He said with a soft smile followed after.

I nodded and somehow left that ' space ' Venti had created. ''I actually don't have any commissions to do right now... I just wanted to leave.'', ''Oh.''


'hah... such a long day... first I visited Venti's place... then I went way over to Liyue... I of course did a few jobs that I never intended to do, but I couldn't stop myself... and here I am... back at Mondstadt... it's 8:36 p.m. I wanted to arrive earlier...' I tiredly walked through the gates of Mondstadt and headed towards Angels Share, Thankfully, Today was a day when they'd be open all night.

'"Welcome! What may I get you today traveler?", Charles asked, "Ah.. just some cold water please..", "You seem more tired today than usual.. is it work?"

"Ha... yes, I went to Liyue just to visit some friends but I ended up doing work instead..", "Haha you'll get better soon in no time, you're young after all." He reassured me.

I drank the cold water he gave me and rested for a bit. Not in a few, I fell asleep.


"Ah Mr. Kaeya, how are you doing?", "I'm feeling quite sore.. just pass me a cold drink, after this, I'm headed to the Hot showers after this...", "Haha.. the traveler also came in talking about how tired she is, maybe you could take her with you." Charles suggested, "Huh, lumine? She did tell me she was going to come later..." Kaeya said, "Mhmm, she's right by the corner table over there," Charles said eyeing the table. "Alright."

Kaeya walked over to me, "Lumine..?", "Hhum... Kaeya..?" I said tiredly, "Hey Lumine, had a good rest?", "mm.. yeah, as I said, I'll be visiting the Hot Showers place.", "How about we go together?", Kaeya asked, "Together...? Uh, sure I guess.."

"Hey Charles... two bottles of my favorite wine!", "Coming right up.", "Why do we need wine?" I asked, "To drink of course what else?" He replied with a smirk.

After he got his bottles of wine, we headed off.


After about 5 minutes of walking, we finally arrived. "Goodnight Honorary Knight, Mr. Kaeya.", "Ahh hello, Noelle! I didn't know you worked here.." I said surprised, "Uh yes that's because I applied today. Master Jean gave me a month off so I ought to use it wisely and it's by helping our knights." She said, "You're always so helpful and kind Knight Noelle." Kaeya added, "Knight? Oh please- I'm far from achieving that title Mr. Kaeya" Noelle said shyly, "Hehe.. Well thank you, Noelle, we'll get going now!", "Bye have fun!"

'It seems Mr.Kaeya has high expectations of me to be a knight.' 


"Care for a drink?", Kaeya asked opening his wine bottle and pouring it into a glass. "Sure!'' I took it from his hand a took a sip. I've never tasted wine like this before it's actually good. ''This tastes amazing!'', 'He smiled at me and continued drinking his wine. ''This feels really nice... and my muscles don't feel sore anymore. Thank you kaeya,'', ''No need.''

'Ah... I'm starting to feel tipsy.', I thought, Kaeya chuckled, ''Starting to feel tipsy?'', ''Mhm... I think I'll stop here I don't wanna get drunk..'', ''Oh come on.. who's going to help me finish the other bottle hmm?'' Kaeya asked he had that smirk on his face again, and I signed and agreed. He then came even closer to me. Close to the point, our shoulders brushed together. My face went a bit red at the sudden contact, but I tried to ignore it.

We both finished the bottles.. and I was utterly wasted... ''Kaeya... I can't take it anymore..'', he chuckled, ''Wrap up with your towel.. we're heading back to HQ.'' He said he turned his back waiting for me to finish. I just barely managed to get up.. so he had to carry me. ''Noelle, help Traveler change..'', ''Oh my... I will right away.'' Noelle was pretty jacked so she took me out of Kaeya's arm with no problem. She helped me get changed and brought me right back to Kaeya.

We bid Noelle goodnight and headed towards HQ.

Thankfully... Kaeya didn't have much trouble with me spouting nonsense because I passed out the minute we reached outside.

"Lumine.. we're here.","Hhum... oh thanks Kaeya. I'll go get changed into something more comfortable.." I said sleepily.
I left his arms and went to my closet to put on my pink silk pajamas.

Afterward, I headed to the bathroom and went to brush my teeth.

"Huh, Kaeya.. what are you still doing here?" I said confused, "Did you already forget?" He said with a smirk. 'Huh..? forget what? ... Oh.', "Ahh right yes! I totally forgot... well goodnight kaeya, I'm really tired."

I then plopped down on my bed and dosed off to sleep soundly.


Third person's POV

Kaeya chuckled and watched Lumime sleeping so peacefully. "What a beauty..."He whispered under his breath. He then got up and got ready for bed.


WOWOW end of chapter 4! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I also got my report a few days back and I'm glad to say I'm still on the honor roll. Have a great day/night/evening all!! and stay hydrated ^^♡

♡ -Ash out- ♡

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