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Smii7y, Grizzy, Pezzy, Droid, Puffer, Nogla.
Smii7y Groaned stretching his Arms While he Slowly opened His Eyes , It was a very dark But still warm room. He slowly looked around and saw that his friends were already awake. He then heard someone groan beside him. He then realized it was a very grumpy and exhausted looking Grizzy. Smii7y smiled in amusement while looking at the other.
"Hey bubba... Hope I didn't Wake you up.." Smii7y Said in a sleepy Voice "I have a Feeling we'll be having alot of Bad Dreams this week".
Grizz sighed looking up, rubbing his eyes. "No, you're not too late.. The only thing You did right is to sleep like an asshole".
Smii7y grinned at his friend. "You're one to talk". Grizzy stared at Him before Falling onto Him "W-Wha? GRIZZY! G-get Off! Your Heavy!" Smii7y Whined Trying to push him Off but Failing Miserably. "Noo~... This is your own Fault.." Grizzy Mumbled in his Neck.
Smii7y groaned trying to hide his Embarrassment while trying to get away from his Bestfriend. He felt his Heart skip a beat when he felt Grizzy's lips on his neck. His face heated up while thinking about those 'goodnight Kisses' they shared every night. He tried to pull away but his hand wasn't strong enough "Stop trying Smii7y you know I'm Stronger then you.."  he growled in a threatening tone.
Smii7y gulped feeling fear as a familiar chill runs down his spine.  He knew exactly what was coming. And he couldn't escape. He was trapped by the arms wrapped around his torso. He closed his eyes and waited for the pain...
But instead he heard a soft giggle.
He opened his eyes again and saw a smirking Grizzy. His smile faded when he remembered what the boy had done. "Don't tell me... You're planning to kiss me now?!?"
Grizzy just smirked "Why wouldn't I?" He replied in a teasing tone. Smii7y just shook his head and blushed even harder.
Grizzy rolled his eyes "What's gotten into you today?! You've been trying to Kiss me All Weekend!" Smii7y Said Confusedly.
Grizzys smirk turned into a frown "Is there something wrong with That?"
Smii7y thought for a second before he answered "No, not really" He said softly. Grizzy gave him a knowing look which made Smii7y blush more "It's just... You never kiss anyone else after... like no friendly Kiss to Pezzy.. None to Puffer Hell! Not even to Droid!"  He continued.
Grizzys expression softened at that last part. They had been doing this for years. Ever since their first meet. Whenever Grizzy was lonely or frustrated, He would come to Smii7y and ask for a friendly Kiss to help calm him down. Sometimes he didn't even need a kiss, he could just be close to his best friend and stay there for hours. It was almost the perfect way to spend a Saturday.
"Well.. That's Because No one ever wants to kiss me..." Grizzy said shyly. Smii7y tilted his head wondering why "Why not?" "Well if Anyone else Comes close to Me I'll just.. Scare them Away..." Grizzy Whispered in a sad tone "What!? That's not even remotely True! People love Coming close to You! Cause your Like a Big Teddy Bear! and you still protect the Ones you love!" Smii7y Explained cupping both his Cheeks Smiling at him. Grizzy just Stared at him in Shock  for a few seconds. "Teddy Bear??!! You think I'm A Teddy Bear??!" He asked surprised.
Smii7y nodded smiling happily "Yeah.. You are! And it's because of all those Little Things you do! Like how you make sure everyone's okay! You care About Them! And how you always Have Enough Money So We can go out together. Even though There's Always Something Or Someone to do Outside. But It's Still nice To Go Out With Somebody Who Really Wants To." Smii7y smiled fondly remembering times spent together outside
Grizzly's face flushed slightly pink at that. "i-i..Don't even know what to say... Th-thank you Smitt...i-.. Fuck... You don't how long I've been Waiting to Hear that!"  "Me Too Grizz" Smii7y whispered leaning forward giving him a soft yet firm peck on his Jaw. Grizzy just stared at him smiling happily. Smii7y gently stroked his cheek "Come here" he whispered gently kissing his lips. They kissed each other lazily with small smiles adorning their faces.
Smii7y broke off the Kiss, placing a light kiss on his forehead "We should probably get up and start getting ready" Smii7y said. Grizzy frowned "No..! I wanna Cuddle! I Just felt Finally Loved! And I wanna Keep this Feeling for awhile.." Grizzy Whined  "Ughhh Fine" Smii7y pouted but agreed anyway. "Good" Grizzy murmured.
Smii7y moved so he and Grizzy were Face To Face. The two were laying down on the couch while cuddling "How much time Until Breakfast?" He Asked. Smii7y checked the clock "About 10 minutes More.." Grizzy whined pulling Smii7y back into his arms. Smii7y giggled "Well... How about we wait a little bit?" Smii7y Said softly. Grizzy thought about it for a minute and then gave in "Mkay"
The two laid there peacefully enjoying each others company. Both were lost in their own worlds until they heard the front door open.
"Ah.." Grizzy Said looking at the door. "Shit."
Smii7y chuckled "Oh noo" Then Nogla, Droid and Pezzy appeared from behind the Door "Subs Fuckers- Oh Is this A cuddle Party I wasn't invited to!?" Droid Yelled  as he ran over to the couch.
"Shut up and Sit down" Smii7y ordered. They complied sitting near the couch while staring at Smii7y and Grizzy, Grizzy was Sleeping on Smii7ys Chest While He was Trying to Push him Off but it didn't Work  He just gave up and started petting his Hair instead.
"So.. How Was Your Night?" Nogla asked "It was good, I slept well" Smii7y said simply. Nogla smirked looking at his phone "Oh yeah, We Got A Call From Puffer Saying he was Bringing Kryos and Dergie! By the Way.. Weird Question but... Did.. you guys Fuck last Night..?"
Both Smii7ys and Grizzy were taken by surprise "What!? No! We Weren't Together Last Night! Where'd you even Get THAT idea?".
Smii7y said angrily, He quickly sat up making Grizzy fall off the couch "HOLY SHIT! What THE FUCK NOOGLA! Why would you JUST ASK US THOUGH!? We WERE KISSING OKAY?!?!" He growled defensively
Droid Yelled in a similar angry tone "Then WHY DID YOU LEAVE SO EASILY??? WHAT DID HE DO WRONG?
"GUYS! Stop!!! Just stop it!!!"
Grizzy looked between the two before sighing in annoyance. "Whatever, We weren't together last Night." Smii7y added. Nogla gasped "You mean you didn't fuck??!" "NO! We Didn't Fuck! Now Shut up about That!!" Grizzy yelled standing up angrily glaring at them before going back to Cuddling Smii7y.

"Alright... So how About The Date?" Nogla asked hopefully.
Smii7y groaned annoyed "No!! NOGLA!! We are Not Going On A Date!" "But-.. You guys Kissed? Grizzy doesn't Usually do That.."  Nogla said confusedly. Smii7y just glared at him "We weren't Kissing. We were having Friendly Kisses, Nothing Else. Besides Grizzy Just likes Me more then. You!" he pointed accusingly at Nogla who glared back "Whatever... I wanna Get McDonalds.." He Said in a Weirdly Southern Accent "Can we come With?" Pezzy Asked, Nogla Nodded before Walking to the Door, Followed by Pezzy and Droid. Once there was a click Both Boys let out a Sigh of Relief. "Finally.. we're Alone.." Grizzy Whispered. Smii7y Nodded Smiling  happily "Yeah.... Thank God..." he muttered as he buried his face into Grizzy's hair.
Smii7y Woke Up Stretching his Arms looking down at Grizzy. He smiled Kissing his Forehead Gently before Slowly Getting making Sure He wouldn't Wake him . Smii7y walked downstairs quietly closing the door as he went to make himself some pancakes. He grabbed the pancake mix and started adding in his ingredients. Before he could finish he heard his Best friends voice coming from behind him,
"Hello Baby Boy~" He purred wrapping his arms around his waist. "Hello Daddy~" He Purred Back in a Teasing Tone. Grizzy Face Turned Red when he Heard that Name . He didn't know if he should Laugh or Scream.
Smii7y smirked turning to face him. "You Know I can hear your heart thumping. Are you blushing or something?~" He teased. Grizzy tried covering his Heart. Smii7y just laughed and hugged his neck tighter. "Heyyyyy.. Why do you look so red? What did I do?~" He asked innocently  while nuzzling Grizzy's neck.
He could feel his heartbeat quicken at that touch. "Nothing baby boy.." he replied softly and Smii7y raised an eyebrow and gave him a suspicious Look "You sure?~ I mean I can Gladly Help you if you want.."  He purred seductively against his ear, He knew exactly what he was doing, but he wanted to see how it worked for himself first.
"I.. uhm.." Grizzy stammered, He was completely caught off guard with this sudden attack of affection. "I mean Yes, I Would Love That. You.. You don't have to though.." he added shyly. Smii7y frowned confused before frowning in realization. He sighed in disappointment.. "Oh... I guess I'll just have to take advantage of my new abilities then" he joked sarcastically.
Grizzy Groaned Not knowing how to react to what Smii7y was Doing  to him, Especially since it was such a simple thing. "That won't be necessary" he replied nervously. "Hmm? But I love seeing that cute blush on your cheeks~" Smii7y purred. He continued leaning close to his ear.
"Stop... Please."
"Why would I?~"
"S-smii7y your going to Regret this.."
"oh I'd love to See it..."
"You will"
"I doubt that~"
"Don't underestimate me.."
"Oh I won't.. You're quite adorable you know?" Smii7y said while running his hands through Grizzy's hair
"I'm not adorable you're-"
"-Adorable~ yes I know you'n you're a handsome, sexy sexy beast" Smii7y finished grinning wickedly at Grizzy, making him blush even harder.
Smii7y pulled away chuckling "Well now that you mention it... There really IS something else that looks like a beast~" he teased, he had already decided this earlier but he wanted to see how long it would take for him to get a reaction.
Grizzy blushed even more before rolling his eyes dramatically. He pushed him away and crossed his arms in annoyance. "Whatever." He grumbled  "Anyway~ What kind of breakfast Do you want?" Smii7y Asked Pretending nothing had happened which made Grizzy really angry "What I wanna Eat is You." He Growled Pinning him to the counter
Grizzy kissed him deeply. Smii7y smirked deepening the kiss. When he realized what he had done he quickly backed off embarrassed by what he had done. Grizzy smiled at him and kissed his cheek "Good morning." he whispered lovingly. "want me to Be rough or Gente?~" "What do you Mean 'Rough'?" Smii7y asked Quietly "Rough? Alright!"  He smirked, "W-Wait!" Grizzy leaned in to kiss his nose. His tongue traced the outline of his lips. Smii7y hummed softly, he felt Grizzy smile into his mouth before kissing him again. His hand slid under his shirt and started kneading him through his pants teasingly. Smii7y groaned, he couldn't Move , his body still hadn't fully recovered and he wasn't sure if he should or not.
Before he could decide on something else he got interrupted by the others knocking "Oi. Are you guys Ready yet??" Nogla called through the door.  Smii7y pulled away immediately getting off of him. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Ugh.. Fucks Sake.."  he mumbled.  He looked over to where Grizzy stood looking at him with a mischievous grin. He turned back to the stove. "Breakfast's almost ready.. I've just gotta cook up a couple pancakes" he stated, trying desperately not to look at him or blush again.  Grizzy chuckled before walking over to hug Smii7y from behind.
"I'll make those pancakes, why don't you just go ahead and finish up?~" Smii7y asked still keeping his back to him. "Nah babe I think you need some help.." He replied. Smii7y groaned in frustration before pushing his arm away "No no, I am fine~" he lied.  "I ain't gonna hurt you, you know that right?" he asked, Smii7y nodded sheepishly "Okay, but at least tell me you know how to cut stuff without burning it...?" he whined.  "No." Smii7y lied,
Grizzy let out a loud groan in defeat before heading towards the living room. "Fine... I'll go find something better to burn than this stupid knife! ~" He exclaimed, Smii7y giggled to himself and grabbed a frying pan. "And you won't be eating any of this either~" he said throwing the pan at him. Grizzy caught it with ease before Walking over to Him. Smii7y quickly Backed up against the Counter surprised . He saw the smirk on Grizzy's face. He gulped before slowly backing up again. As soon as he was finally far enough away Grizzy tackled him onto the counter before pinning him down, "Griz..?" he squeaked out.  "So you tell me Why you were acting So Seductive and yet when I flirted Back you didn't answer me?"  He asked smugly.
Smii7y gulped nervously again. "Maybe It's because I was trying to get a rise outta you." He replied in a low voice. "Is that so? And how did it work Babyboy~" He teased, He started trailing kisses down his neck.  He smirked before lifting his head and licking one of the bruises on his chest.. "Because I liked it." He said before attacking his "bestfriends" neck, leaving hickies all across it and collar bones, He then proceeded to bite his shoulder earning a gasp from Smii7y..  After a few minutes of Grizzy Teasing Smii7y He Decided to take it a step further. Grizzy Let his Hands trail down his Sides   and stopped at his knees spreading his legs apart. He grinned before lowering his head to kiss him. Smii7y moaned into his mouth, enjoying this new feeling, until suddenly Grizzy flipped them both over. Smii7y stared in shock as Grizzy pinned him against the cabinets. He could feel the hardness between their stomachs.
Grizzy grinned before placing another kiss to Smii7y’s lips. They both gasped when they broke apart. Smii7y tried pushing Grizzy off of him but Grizzy wouldn't budge, instead he wrapped his arms around Smii7y's torso pulling him close. “Mmm.. Gr-grizzy...Aah~."  Smii7y moaned softly, It was too much, Too sweet, Too intense and too good. His whole body was aching to feel Grizzy inside of him. He placed his hands on Grizzy's biceps "Grz.. please.." He panted, He needed him so badly. Grizzy chuckled gently kissing his neck "please what love?~.."  he growled softly, Smii7y whimpered at the sound. He lifted his hips up slightly, "Please fuck me.." He asked quietly, The only response he got was silence. Smii7y sat up a little to get a better view of his face. "w-why do you h-have to be such a Fucking tease..." Smii7y asked pouting
"Because I can~"  he winked and picked him up by his sides, straddling him. He moved closer so that he could place soft kisses everywhere he could reach,  he trailed small kisses along his jawline.  He bit his ear lobe and ran his fingers through his hair. "I know you love it~" He purred into his ear. He walked the Stairs Ignoring Smii7y Struggling in his Large Arms. Once they got to Grizzys Room, opened it stepping in and Placing Smii7y on the Bed Before walking back Closing and Locking the door He looked back at him Smirking before Walking over to him pinning him onto the Bed. He began sucking on his neck leaving small marks all along it. He continued his trail to his chest and sucked his nipples, Making them harden even more. 
He continued sucking and rubbing his hands all up and down Smii7y's chest before reaching to pull his underwear down  and letting them fall down to the floor. He looked back at Smii7y "Beautiful, you're just like a painting." He smirked, He took his time caressing and licking every inch of his bare skin.  He placed a light kiss onto his bellybutton before continuing down his body kissing his thighs. He started sucking and kissing his inner thigh and stroking his erection while he did so. Finally he reached his cock and ran his finger around it. "So hard..." he sighed running his finger along the length of his shaft.  Then he licked it lightly before sliding his mouth and biting his hip bone lightly.
Smii7y arched his back, trying to push him more inside himself. "Shh.. don't move~" he warned before placing slow gentle kisses down the side of his member. He started to move forward kissing up his length, pausing at his slit and sucking on his tip a few times "Ah~!" Smii7y moaned softly in pleasure and pushed his head down harder to take more of his load. "Don't you fucking dare stop" he warned.
As soon as he finished swallowing he removed his lips from his cock and replaced his mouth with his cock. Smii7y thrust deep and fast pumping his hips into his face. His lips tightened around his dick and he let out a grunt of pleasure. "Fuuuuuck! Ahhhh~" he yelled gripping his pillow tightly while his legs shook underneath him.  When he was done he laid there panting and breathing heavily. Grizzy looked up at him. "You okay baby??" he asked a little worried. Smii7y nodded Smiling Slightly "well.. do you think you can handle me?" Grizzy asked wrapping his arms around his waist,  Smii7y nodded again, he couldn't believe how easy this had gone. "Good.. because I wanna show you just how much of a fucking tease I can be." he murmured into his ear before kissing down the side of his neck nipping and sucking gently on one of his many hickeys.  "Yessss.. Please! ~" He moaned softly trying to keep quiet. He felt Grizzy smile against his neck before moving his lips to the next hickey.
"Hmm... You sure you're okay for another round?" he asked teasingly. He pressed light kisses along his collar bone. "Yes.. I want more.." he whispered quietly. "Then prove it, get on your knees and turn around." he ordered. Smii7y nodded eagerly getting on his knees facing the other way. He heard Grizzy chuckle before taking him back against his lap and kissing down the side of his spine. "Turn around, I want to see how much you like my big dick~" he mumbled, Smii7y obeyed and turned around.
Grizzy leaned down to kiss his cheeks and kissed his forehead making Smii7y blush heavily, "What? Don't wanna look at me huh~?" he teased, Smii7y just kept his head down refusing to meet his gaze. "Don' worry baby.. we'll have our fun later." he chuckled, Smii7y nodded, Grizzy pulled back and stood up placing his hand under Smii7y's chin lifting his head up so they would make eye contact,  "I really want you to scream. I want you to beg me to cum inside you. I want you to cry out my name." he said in a husky voice causing a shiver to go down Smii7y's back, Grizzy laughed softly and pecked his cheek before Lifting Smii7y off his Lap and Taking off his Belt and Throwing it on the Floor . Smii7y watched him take off his pants before he turned him around facing him placing him on his Lap again
"Fuck~ you're beautiful." He whispered cupping Smii7y's ass in his hands, He started playing with him and Smii7y squirmed underneath him. He smiled before slowly Sliding his Tip into him  making Smii7y moan loudly and throw his head back. "Come on Baby, Scream for me~". He growled in his ear, Smii7y nodded rapidly, Grizzy began thrusting in and out faster and faster and Smii7y could feel tears pricking his eyes, He wanted it more than anything he' d never admit it but he didn't mind being punished if it meant he could cum. He threw his head back, closing his eyes. "Oh shit Smii, You feeling the pressure?" Grizzy said smirking, Smii7y nodded once more not trusting himself to speak yet again. "Look at me when I'm talking to ya baby." He demanded, Smii7y opened his eyes and looked at him, "I want you to look at me when I'm fucking you." He growled, Smii7y nodded quickly, "Okay.." he breathed out.  He grabbed his hips and slammed into him harder and faster. Grizzy could feel him starting to tighten around his cock.  "Fuck yeah baby~ that's right cum for Daddy. Cum all over my cock." He growled in his ear.  Smii7y began gasping for air as his whole body began shaking uncontrollably. He couldn't Move even if he tried to. Grizzy continued to just Fuck his Ass Hard and Fast not Missing a beat  until he came shooting into him. Grizzy held him tightly, "That's it, That's right baby~" he cooed before licking his sticky seed off his dick. He then dropped him back down on the bed laying beside him smiling proudly. He pulled off his shirt tossing it aside before climbing on top of him kissing him deeply. "Mm..A-AGH!~" Smii7y Moaned feeling Grizzy Cum inside Him. He arched his Back so He'd Cum deeper in Him . He could feel Grizzy's hips pushing deeper and he knew he was almost there. "Grizzy.. please fuck Me harder.. I need It.." Smii7y begged, Grizzy nodded and pushed even harder in him, He thrusted deep and long Until They both Came for the Second and Third Time "Fuck that felt good..." Grizzy  groaned after he pulled out from inside him and rolled off of him.  Smii7y lifted his head up off the mattress and looked at Grizzy with tear filled eyes. "Thank you so much.. More than you know..." he said looking away ashamed and embarrassed,
The older man chuckled and leaned down to kiss his nose "Your welcome Love... And don't Cry.." He said in a Mono tone voice. Smii7y Smiled Kissing him Gently "it's Okay.. I'm not hurt.." Grizzys Frown wented Back to a Little Smile "That's Good.. I'm sorry if I went a bit to far..." Grizzy  trailed off. Smii7y just smiled at him and shrugged, "It wasn't bad.. I mean I guess I just kinda forgot you could do that.." He laughed slightly "How long were you waiting for me to catch up?!" He asked, "Long enough.. Now come here". He pulled him closer and hugged him tight "Thanks... Really".
After a couple hours Smii7y was still naked, and his Body Felt Sore but he Was very Hungry and He remembered That the Other Boys were Coming Over to Film in about an Hour or two which made him really panic. Smii7y sat up Looking around of what he Could do. Until he heard a Low groan from underneath him. He quickly looked down at Grizzy slowly waking  up. Smi7y blushed deeply before looking at his chest, He could feel heat spreading over his chest, cheeks and ears at the sight of the dark purple marks on his skin. "Hey baby." Grizzy smiled sleepily. Smii7y smiled shyly at him "Hi..." he whispered nervously "Are you ok?.." He asked in a deep voice "Y-yeah its just the Others are coming in an hour or two, and I have Hickeys everywhere, there's uncooked pancakes in the kitchen still and Noglas or Puffer are probably gonna come Early so they can Help!" Smii7y Panicked  as he thought about Noglas seeing him like this. "Shh.. Calm Down, You've only been asleep a few hours, We can eat later and relax a bit.." he said smiling at him "Or we can stay here cuddling and watching movies."
Smii7y smiled weakly as Grizzy Nuzzled his Face into Smii7ys Neck , "We should definitely watch movies then." He murmured resting his head against Grizzy's, "You can pick the movie though.. I'm too tired to think." he yawned. "No no I want you to choose.." Smii7y insisted, "Fine, But only because I love hearing your cute little voice." Smiling Smii7y kissed the top of his head. He laid back down, snuggled his face into his chest and sighed contently. After a couple of Minutes a movie was shown on the TV making Smii7y giggle lightly.
"Noooo I'm scared!" Smii7y whined holding onto Grizzy for dear life while his bottom lip quivered, "Don't be scared, everything will be fine. it's Just a movie"  he assured his mate who had curled up against him on their couch. They were cuddled up together watching the movie together and Smii7y couldn't stop trembling. He didn't want to ruin the moment for his mate. "S'okay. It's just a film.." he tried calming him by rubbing circles on his back "But it's scary." He whimpered trying not to cry,
Grizzy smiled and kissed his temple lightly, "I won't let anything happen, trust me." he reassured making Smii7y calm down for a moment.
Sooner than expected Nogla and Puffer came bursting through the door. Causing Smii7y to scream loudly and Hide in His Chest "HEL-. oh shit Smii7y You Okay!?" Puffer asked Confused and Worried "Yeah we're were watching a Scary Movie.." Grizzy Explained  while smiling at him and Puffer smiled sheepishly nodding,"Right okay.." he mumbled.  He then walked over to them and sat next to Smii7y, "Sorry if I scared ya Smitt.." he apologized, Smii7y shook his head, "It's Fine.." he replied  smiling at him. "So where's your new lover?" Nogla asked smirking, "He's on my Chest.." Grizzy answered, "WAit- REALLY!?" Puffer Yelled. The two Nodded back "HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!" Nogla Yelled Not really Needing an Answer  but wanting to make sure they weren't secretly dating each other. "Yes.." Grizzy Answered smirking at them.
"DUDE! THAT'S AMAZING!! WE NEED TO HAVE AN OFFICIAL PARTYYYYY!!" Puffer yelled Jumping up and down excitedly. "Yeah!" Nogla shouted jumping up and down, "This is amazing! We haven't seen the two of you together since you got together a year ago! Congratulations, you guys are SO CUTE!". "Why are you crying!?" Smii7y asked worriedly. "I'm just Do proud of Grizzy for Finally telling you his True Feelings.." "Oh shut Up!" Grizzy  growled blushing, "I can hear you." Puffer giggled, "I love you guys!" Smii7y Said hugging both of them.
it has been three weeks since they Got together and Made love almost every day

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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