Backstory and quirks

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Hello I am Y/N Bakugou, this is my story, I was born one year after my older sister Himiko, after the accident we changed our last name to Bakugou, I have slit pupils like her, but emerald green eyes like these

Hello I am Y/N Bakugou, this is my story, I was born one year after my older sister Himiko, after the accident we changed our last name to Bakugou, I have slit pupils like her, but emerald green eyes like these

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I was born with the eyeliner looking stuff around my eyes, they called it a birthmark, one year later my brother Katsuki Bakugou was born, my sister and I were inseparable, that is... until the "accident" my parents always made her keep a mask on, she never got to use her quirk, my parents didn't like our fangs, I wore a mask on the bottom half of my face almost always, and she wore a whole face mask, she was my everything, she was like my other half, but in kindergarten halfway through, she killed her crush and ate his heart, I walked in and watched in shock, I cried and hugged her, 2 officers came in and tried to take her, but she jumped out the window and ran, a few months later the police found a corpse they thought was her, and we had a funeral, I from then on didn't go to school till the next year, and I joined my brother's class, I was not going to let anything happen to him, I will protect him at all costs, I have always gotten grades between 97% and 100%, my brother was usually between 93% and 95%, I have always been top of the class, I practice my quirks for 4 hours a day, and I do homework for 5 hours, I am at school for 6 hours, I spend 2 hours with the family, and I usually do chores around the house for 4 hours a day, and I sleep for 3 hours and every morning I take a shower and get dressed, I don't have much free time, I always check up on my brother, but I don't force myself into his social life, I only keep my eye on him slightly to make sure he is safe, I harm myself but use concealer to cover it, no one alive knows I have depression, or that I am suicidal, I like to draw and my favorite thing to draw is eyes, brown, green, multi-color, you name it! I don't have much time to do art outside of art class but idc. I enjoy writing as well but I used to write with Himiko so it is hard to do without crying anymore, I hope to die a hero, and be remembered as a hero who saved many even though the one I couldn't save broke me, and I don't think I will ever be the same.
My quirks that have formed and how old I was when they formed:
3 years old: DNA Quirk borrower: if I lick anyone's DNA I can use their quirk(s) for a week, I can hold up to 10 people's at a time. (Now 45, 10 when I got the quirk, it has evolved since)
5 years old: wish weather and wish negative: wish weather: I can wish for slight changes in the weather whenever I want.
Wish negative: if I make a wish that either won't affect me or will negatively affect me it comes true. (I wished that Himiko would be free from our parents treatment...)
9 years old: Blood manipulation: I can control my own blood to make extra body parts and destroy them, and anyone who I touch I can make their heart stop for as long as I want, I have never done this to hurt anyone only to make them pass out so they don't have to see something that could hurt them, I can also make anything out of my blood I don't have to know anything about the item except how it works and looks.
10 years old: blood reading: if I taste anyone's blood, I know their quirk, drawbacks, advantages, fears, and what they go by, and their birth name.
11 years old: invisible friends: I can speak to and see people from other universes, No one else can see them.
12 years old: invisible breath: I turn invisible when I hold my breath.

I have not gotten more since I was 12, there is a villain that has somehow gotten ahold of my dead sisters quirk and has stolen her identity as well, fucking asshole, talk about rubbing salt in a wound. I was offered a spot in class 1-A, I was recommended to UA by Hawks, the number 3 hero, I used my blood quirk a long time ago to give myself wings, and I never used the destroy function so I have wings and sometimes I'll use blood from them and make a cloth like material that I use as a capture weapon, much like Eraserhead's, My eyes turn perfectly golden other than my pupils when I do this. My brother and his childhood friend Izuku got in, they both got in through exams, yesterday my brother got his acceptance letter, I haven't yet told my family I got in through recommendations, my Mom walked into the dining room and started by saying to me with her voice raised "Why? Why didn't you try out for UA?!!! NOW WHO IS GOING TO WATCH OVER YOUR BROTHER!!!??? WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GO TO BECOME A HERO NOW!?" I open my mouth about to explain but just as I do the doorbell rings, my Mom says "This conversation" she points down "is not over." And she goes to answer the door, I pull out my phone and realize that it is august 15th at 10:00 am, Hawks said he would come talk to my family about me being recommended at this date and time, I hear my mom in the other room say "HAWKS! To whom do I owe for the pleasure of meeting the number 3 hero this fine morning? Is it my son Katsuki for his acceptance into UA?" And I run out and jump and hug Hawks, 'cause I see him as an older brother. I say "KEIGO! You made it! And on time even somehow!" My mom looks shocked and so does my brother and father, Hawks replied "HUH? Why so mean?" In a silly tone, and I say "Because you have never really been an early bird- or even really an on time bird." My mom composed herself and says "please explain you two's relationship." Hawks says "she is like a little sister to me, I have been training with her for the past 6 years every night for 4 hours, I even got her into UA's most prestigious class through recommendations, class 1-A she will be required to start 1 day early to meet the other recommended students!" My mom has a small apologetic look for a moment well looking at me, and he says "I gotta go now I have a hero shift till 5:00, Y/N our training tonight will start at 8:00" my mom says "thank you Hawks, also please join us tonight for dinner from 5:30 to 6:30" and he nods his head, sets me down, and flys off. I walk back in and brush my feet off on the doormat, my mother then says "sweetheart, I am sorry for this morning, I had no clue" I mentally roll my eyes and think duh! I didn't tell you so of course you didn't I then say "well next time have more faith in me please, I always put 'Suki over here before myself"

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