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📍Atlanta Georgia
Avani's POV
8:15 am 

Bitch admit it ! You like treyvon and your excited to see him today' Alexis says as she watches me get ready for a day to paint Treyvon and Rashaad

It's just for my art and plus you don't even know if he even likes girls like us ' i said getting my paint ready

Bitch he picked you up from school !! He even asks about you ' Alexis says all excitedly and that actually made me more nervous and I turned around before she saw my face turn red 

Fine I like him i really fucking like him ! ' I said kinda frustrated and she jumps all happily

But he's not asking me out or saying romantic shit like Justin does with angel ' i said agressivly mixing the paint

I feel you girl, Rashaad basically friendzoned me like how you gonna beat someone ass for me and say ' I did because your my homie girl sister like you only do shit like that because you like a bitch ! ' Alexis says before we heard the buzzer on the door

Yo where are you !! ' Rashaad yells and he sees Alexis and he's whole aura changes and he seem more softer which is different from his usual aura 

Avani where you want me to go ' Trey says smiling at me and I felt a lot of butterflies and I never noticed how pretty his teeth are

Just take your shirt off and do whatever pose you want ' I said getting the paint ready and a bitch almost dropped the paint as soon as I saw his shirt come off

2 hours later

Damn shawty it looks mad fire ' Treyvon says hugging me and he pulled his face away and I didn't even realize I was staring at his lips

Ummm yeah I'll call you ' i said pulling away and putting my paint away and Alexis and Rashaad come in

Damn bitch this might be ya best work ' she says high fiving me

We can pick it up tomorrow than we can do naked class next week ' Rashaad says

Y'all don't have too, y'all probably won't like having people staring and drawing you ' I said trynna keep them away especially Trey bc i couldn't handle seeing him shirtless so how In the hell can I handle seeing him naked

You said there's money involved right ? ' Trey says and I nodded and they somehow guilt me into letting them go and I gave the address and they left

Wow bitch i literally had to leave when hes shirt came off ' Alexis says fanning herself

Bitch I had to look at him ! I was lowkey sweating a little bit ' I said drinking my water

Can I come ? ' Alexis asks and I look at her like bitch really

Avani I just wanna come and support you ' she says

Bitch you know you just trynna see Rashaad naked and she rolls her eyes

You know damn well you wanna see Trey naked too so don't act so innocent' she says before helping me clean up and I took off my apron before we headed out to eat with angel and Lulu and zaya

So how was it ' angel asks us as she comes back with an ice cream

Bitch i couldn't handle being in that room, they got some fine ass bodies , no wonder bitches were obsessed with them ' Alexis says

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