010 ➶ A Little More Sin

Start from the beginning

Obviously in need of a fix. She used to be a beauty queen like Mona. They might have even competed together, they both had daughters too young.

She came out in a velvety blouse that was too long for her torso. Little baggy around the arms.

"You didn't tie it right. Here." Carol wasn't her usual bubbly self. Not the girl who schemed about terrorizing underclassmen. "Maybe we can tuck it into something."

"I look so ugly." Her mother peered aside. Covered her face. "That's why Jason walked out."

"He's a piece of shit." Carol mumbled.

"He was like a father to you. We spent almost seven years together. I'm ugly."

"Stop saying that. We're better off without him." Carol asserted herself that time.

"He'll be back, he always is."

Carol only frowned, faltering. That much was true.

The false hope of it all killed.

"This color is pretty." She went on instead. "You like blue. We can tuck it into that black skirt you have. Maybe a belt."

"Skirt's no good. It's all worn and discolored. Never should have let you do the laundry."

"Someone had to. I said sorry. You were drunk and...I saw those needles."

"Carol, don't speak to me like that." This switch flipped on. She snatched her daughter's wrist. Looked like she might try to break it.

Evie never saw that look in Carol's eyes before. It pricked her own heart with pure, pooling fear. This girl who always looked her best and turned her nose up toward everyone else.

Because she knew better.

Carol and Evie had that much in common.

Her mother continued. Darkening.

"I was not drunk. I gave it up. I'm better."

Carol wiggled away uncomfortably. Winced at her now irritated flesh. Looked around to make sure no one saw them.

"Just keep your voice down. We'll figure out something. You need a nice outfit. You have to get this job. Nail place doesn't pay me enough. I just started." Carol shook her head at the same time Evie knocked into some hangers backing up.

Instantly, she was spotted.

"Evangeline Fenny." Her mother plastered this crackling smile as she stood taller. Carol's arms crossed. Immediate hatred. "Did you lose weight?"

"Mom." Carol hissed.

"Hi..." Evie blinked, lips lifting. "And, no, but thank you."

"Oh well, you look pretty. How's your mother?" It was a courtesy. Mona wasn't close with Mrs. Perkins. Or Carol's stepdad. They weren't liked in Hawkins. Kept to themselves in a dingy house. Drinkers. Users.

But, that's all nasty gossip. Carol was quick to shut it down.

"Fine." Evie started to shuffle off because Carol looked like she was begging silently. Paused. "I like that color too and you can hem the bottom."

"Not all of us sew." Carol turned to ice. Evie reached into her one of her reusable grocery bags. Pulled out a little package.

"I like to cheat with this. Hem tape. It's fast, you just iron it along the bottom. It holds well."

"Let me pay you for that." Mrs. Perkins grabbed her worn purse.

"No, it's cheap and I picked up extra. They had a sale today." The second part was a lie. Evie held it as far out as she could. Carol crossed over. Plucked it from her hand with glittery pink gemstones for fingertips.

sins of my youth. // Billy Hargrove x oc !plus sizeWhere stories live. Discover now