11 - The Search.

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[Part 1 of 5]

[Days left: 4]


After that little chat, Spider goes over to Kiply to ask her a question.

"Kiply, could you come with me." -Spider

"What why? We have a big fight to worry about!" -Kiply

Spider sighed "Guess he's going to do that now."

"Us bugs need to be in control. If he is really going to strike us with all he's got, you guys won't survive. But we will." -Spider

"I guess that makes sense.." -Kiply

"Wait what about me!" -Liger

"You get us like diamond stuff, we can still use armor and weapons. It could help us with blocking attacks." -Spider

"Alright!" Liger runs off into the base to grab his tools and hopefully have the other bugs help him

"You ready?" Spider turns to Kiply

"Ready I'll ever be, but wait you didn't explain what we're looking fffoooorrrrrr!" Kiply says after being grabbed by Spider and him jumping up in the air


Spider lands into a open woods type of area and puts kiply on the ground.

"We're looking for a purple and black ladybug.." -Spider

"In a forest, we are going to find a ladybug. How are we even going to find her?" -Kiply

"She isn't one to move, normally stays in one spot.." -Spider

"It still proves my point, how are we going to find her?" -Kiply

"Just look for a purple-ish glow, the glow is very bright so it's not hard to find in a green forest." -Spider

"Alright, i feel like it's better to split up so we can find it easier." -Kiply

"Good plan. I'll search the left, you search the right." -Spider

"Got it." -Kiply


Kiply's P.O.V:

She walks through the trees, the bushes, the thorns. While walking for abit, she encountered an unusual forest, one filled with colorful tree, filled with the beautiful crystal flowers and filled with pure darkness.

She tries walks into the forest but it throws her away, almost like forcefield. Tries her luck once more but the same thing happens. Decided to ignore the wonderful forest and continue the search for a Ladybug.

"Man, that place looked so colorful and nice but pretty scary with the dark around it." -Kiply

"But I should put that aside, I need to find this ladybug or something!" -Kiply

She continues walking around until she sees a darkish glow from behind a tree, she walks over to it and sees a Creeper covered in that black goo and with green veins around it, it looks like it has a button on it's head too. With a shock of surprise on her face, she turns around and hides behind a tree.

"What the hell is that?" -Kiply

"That doesn't look like a normal Creeper. Is that what the butterfly meant by saying infected mobs!?" -Kiply

"I should probably stay quiet, gotta make sure it doesn't hear me." -Kiply

Slowly backing away from the Creeper, she sees a leaf fall on the Creeper's head.
The Creeper started flashing white, charging an explosion.

"Oh shi-!" -Kiply


A giant explosion happened right there, one that can be seen from miles. The explosion was big enough to still hit Kiply and made her get launched into a tree. The explosion created a giant hole in the floor and caught Spiders attention.

Spider ran towards the noise and then went over to Kiply who is now unconscious on the floor.


Spider's P.O.V:

"What the fuck happened here?" -Spider

"Guess that's the least of my worries, I should check on Kiply to make sure she isn't dead or something like that." -Spider

"Still has a pulse, that's good." -Spider

Spider picks Kiply up and continues searching for the ladybug till encountering the same colorful forest that Kiply saw.

Spider sighed before placing Kiply on the floor next to a tree, "If she's going to be anywhere, she would love to stay here."

Spider would walk through the forest and into the darkness, while exploring, he had found Ladybug.

"Oi! Ladybug! It's me, Spider!" -Spider


"Yes it's me, now come over here before I get thrown out of the forest!" -Spider

Spider would pick Ladybug up and the forest would throw him back to where he first came through.

"Sorry about that but this is important." -Spider

"It's fine, what do you need?"

"To infect that human over there, she's called Kiply." -Spider

"Spider you know I didn't like Butterfly's plan about infecting these poor people..-"

"No this isn't about Butterfly's plan, he is going to attack all of us with he's got and I need you to do this!" -Spider

"I guess.. but what about Dragonfly or Scorpion or Beetle?-"

"Everyone else is already there, we just need to find Beetle and prepare." -Spider

"Alright, I'll trust you."

"Thank you." -Spider

"No problem buddy."

The Ladybug would fly over to Kiply before trapping the both of them in a black sphere, after the sphere glowed purple it popped and Ladybug was now in control! She looked the same but with some differences, her arms and legs were pitch black and only her arms had claws, she has antennae like a ladybug and the purple ladybug wings.

"Now let's return and take a break, I'm very tired." -Spider

"We don't get tired.??" -Ladybug

"Yeah but the host does so." -Spider

"Oh yeah, lead the way back home!" -Ladybug

"Yeah just don't get lost." -Spider

"I'm not one to get lost during a sunset!" -Ladybug


Heyo! Catty here!
Words: 1023
Next chapter won't have a bug transformation so yeah. Part 1 of 5
God I don't think I'll be able to finish all 4 chapters in this month. But I'll try.
Also if you're wondering what day is the anniversary for the book, it's the 23rd of November. QnA will be updated so that you can ask the Ladybug and Dragonfly.

Also I kinda have a fever and lost my voice so yeah, chapters might be shorter than usual alright.

Now that's all I have to say for now! Buh Bye!

Four Chapters Left...
Three Days until the fight..

Infection Bugs AU | Doni Bobesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن