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Few Weeks later :

Namjoon have been working very hard these days cause he have few mission and new projects. Y/n always tells him not to worry and don't over work himself. He will just say it's fine I'm used to it but y/n doesn't like seeing namjoon struggling so much.

They even did not make love from 3 weeks. He comes to her but unfortunately work comes in the middle and he had to leave.
It irritates both of them. They spend less time together till the time he comes home he is very tired and doesn't even eat anything.

Namjoon Pov :

I'm driving home back from work. Today's day have been so hectic and rough. I need sleep and food. Mafia job is a tough one and moreover I have to go in missions and then new project
It's making a distance between me and y/n. I couldn't give her my attention and it have been 3 weeks of our marriage and we haven't gone for honeymoon.

I'm thinking of taking her but my works comes in middle. I drive and reach home in 20 mins. I get out of the car and my guards bow towards me and open the main door for me. I went inside and no one is here in the living room. I guess y/n is asleep it's 11:27 I went upstairs to our bedroom and opened the door.
She is not even in bedroom but the water sound is coming from bathroom she is in bathroom.

I sit down on the bed and remove my tie and keep it aside then I bend down to untie my shoe lays.
I heard the bathroom door open
I looked up and my eyes widen seeing y/n.

She stood there leaning on her side on the wall. I gulped seeing her. Damn she is looking sexy

 Damn she is looking sexy

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Y/n - "hey daddy"

She said in a seductive voice. She came towards me and sat on my lap. I placed my hands on her hip and pulled her more close. Her lips touching mine.

Rm - "hey babygirl"

I said in her ear and sucked her ear lob causing her to moan.
I smirked and smashed my lips on her lips. She immediately kissed me back wrapping her arms around my neck. Her legs on both sides of my waist. Her clothed clit touching my dick
We both moaned into the kiss
I entered my tongue and tasted every corner of her mouth.
We pulled away to breath.

Rm - "your looking sexy as fuck baby"

Y/n - "just for you daddy"

I carried her and made her lay down on the bed hovering above her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and once again pulled me into a kiss. I kissed her back.

Y/n - "I missed you"

Rm - "I never left you darling"

I went down towards her neck and sucked on her neck earning a moan from her. I sucked on her sweet spot causing her to moan little loud. I made few hickeys on her neck.

Rm - "when did you get this dress?"

Y/n - "today afternoon"

Rm - "oh without my permission baby?"

Y/n - "sorry daddy"

Rm - "hmm.. I forgive you baby this time cause I get to see beautiful yet sexy view"

She blushed and avoided to look in my eyes. I chuckled and my hand went towards her thigh massaging her thigh my hand went futher in and I touched her clit causing her to moan a little.
I moved her panties aside and rubbed her pussy. She moaned and closed her eyes.

I went in between her legs and removed her panties she is so wet. It's goona be fun. I started eating her out. She moaned and threw her head back.

And the night continues

Give them some personal space y'all go study or else I'll tell your husband Namjoon to shave your eye brows.

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