A faint blush crept up the back of Steve's neck as you and Bucky both stifled a laugh. "No, America. And how many times do I have to remind you to call me, Steve?"

"It's not why we're here," Sarah interjected. She took a deep breath and dragged her hands down her face, looking at America and Kate to help her out.

"Oh futz," Kate said. "So. The thing is. We kinda want to have kids."

You squeaked and lunged and Sarah, wrapping her in your arms. "You're going to be a mom?" you squealed as your daughter melted into your embrace. "I'm gonna be a grandma?"

"I hope so," Sarah said. "But we need some advice."

You sat back and ran your hands down the back of her head, smoothing out her hair for a moment before it just returned to its natural state. "What is it, sweet pea?" you asked.

Normally calling Sarah something like that would make America and Kate start giggling but they just looked even more serious than before.

"So... so... how? I mean... we don't know what we should do. You guys just ..." She made a vague gesture with her hands. "But you didn't really know everything. With the serum and ... stuff. How it would affect us. Or how it affected you. And now you've found out that you're not aging," she said, looking at Bucky and Steve. "And it looks like we aren't either. And you talked to us about that. I know that it's made Anthony really hesitant about getting into relationships and when he does it's Valkyrie because they live so long. But I've got Kate and Rebecca has Alex and America isn't sure what her powers mean..." She shook her head and her eyes started to shimmer with tears.

You wrapped your arms around her and held her close to you. Beside her, America put an arm around Kate's waist and leaned in against her. Steve had sat up straighter his jaw set, while Bucky had made himself smaller and there was a real look of pain on his face.

"I'm so sorry, honey," you whispered. "This is such a burden. I'm so sorry we put it on you."

"What Sarah's trying to say, I think is; is it worth it?" America said.

Steve took a breath and let it out. "There is nothing I regret about my life with your mother," he said to Sarah. "It is going to absolutely hurt when she is gone. But if I had the choice to do it again, I would without hesitation."

Bucky nodded beside him, his jaw twitching a little.

"What about us?" Sarah said quietly.

"Are you asking if we regret having you?" Steve asked.

Sarah shook her head. "No. I mean... if there was a choice for if we had a normal life. No powers. No immortality. We were just regular kids. Would you choose that?"

Steve furrowed his brow. "I don't know."

"You see, Cap... Steve," America said. "We have the choice with what we do. We can decide we don't have kids. We can adopt. Or there are three different people who could carry them. If I do they might get my powers which might also be the whole 'living forever' thing, still not sure what the deal with them is, but I wouldn't be surprised. Sarah could and they almost certainly will get the living forever thing. Or Kate could and we get just regular old archer genes."

"Awesome archer genes," Kate corrected her.

"So what do we do? What choice do we make?" America asked.

"Do you wish you weren't enhanced, Sarah?" Steve asked. "That you were just normal?"

Sarah frowned. "I don't know. I know that Rebecca and Anthony are pretty happy about it, but I think of losing Kate and all my friends -" she shook her head and a tear escaped. She wiped her eyes and Kate nuzzled into the back of her neck.

You rubbed her back in slow, soothing circles. "I can tell you, I'm really glad I don't have to watch you die. Parents aren't supposed to outlive their kids," you said.

Bucky nodded. "I hate we forced this on you, but I was relieved when you stopped aging."

Steve leaned forward and took Sarah's hands in his own. "You wanted to know if it's worth it? Do you think the time you spent with your grandparents was worth it? Your uncle Tony?"

Tears slipped silently down Sarah's cheeks as she looked into her father's eyes. "Yes."

"Loving people, even if you know you can't hold onto them - it's worth it. It's worth it for the impact that has on your life. Losing them is painful. But life, even a good one, is not without pain. But I can tell you, the best thing that has happened in my life is marrying your mom and dad, and getting to watch the three of you grow. It was worth every second," he said. "We can't make this choice for you. You three are amazing, smart, strong women. You're going to be amazing parents. And if your children end up being immortal then you will raise them to be ready for it. If not, then the brief moment you have with them will be worth it." Sarah fell into his arms and he wrapped them around her and held her tightly, stroking her back as she cried against him. "I'm sorry you have to make this choice, but I promise whatever one you make, it won't be the wrong one."

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