The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn Part 2

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Disclaimer: I. OWN. NOTHING.

'Darkness fell; the pirates found the UNICORN's cargo of rum, broached the casks, and made themselves abominably drunk...'

Jaune brought the glass of whiskey towards his mouth once more.

"Abominably!" he said. "Yes Abominably... that's the word..."

"Ironic..." mumbled someone.

Oscar took away the glass and put it on the floor.
"Hey, what's the big idea?" asked Jaune. "I only wanted to show you..."
"You don't have to," said Oscar. "I quite understand."

"I got from him that you know this Oscar in our universe," said Pyrrah to Jaune, pointing at the man in the tux. "He seems like a good friend!"

No one answered. Not even the man in the tux. In fact, he was once again typing frantically on his desk, tracking the data on his screens with intent.

"Just as you like, Oscar," said Jaune, looking gloomy. "Now, where was I?"
"The pirates were abominably drunk..." reminded him Oscar.

Without them knowing it, Snowey begun to drink from the glass on the floor. He seemed to be getting quite abominably drunk himself. He looked rather happy, but then noticed that the glass before him had become two, and was made confused.
Snowey looked at the table and saw two Jaunes and two Oscars sitting.

"Oh no," said Ruby.
"That dog can't catch a break, can he?" said Weiss with pity.

"Well, in the meantime..." said the Jaunes.

'In the meantime Sir Francis struggled desperately to free himself...'

"Just you wait, my lambkins!" said Sir Francis as he wriggled in his bindings. "Ration my rum if Sir Francis Arc doesn't give you something to remember him by..."

He struggled and struggled until he freed his left hand.
"Done it!" he said. "That's one hand free!"

'You know, of course, the magazine in a ship is where they store the gunpowder and shot...'

"What's gunpowder?" asked Ruby. "Is it like dust?"
"Sort of," said Weiss. "Back when the knowledge on how to purify and use dust safely was still in its diapers, gunpowder was used alongside it as an explosive and ammunition. It's a combination of multiple different substances..."
"Boring!" complained Nora. "It's a powder that goes in guns and goes BOOM! Let's keep watching!"

Sir Francis entered the storage room where the barrels of gunpowder were lying.
He laid a fuse several feet away from the barrels and lit it.
"There!" he said. "The party won't be complete without some fireworks!"

"Holy crap!" cried Yang. "He's gonna blow them to bits! Your ancestor's hardcore!"
"Thanks, I guess?" said Jaune nervously.

"Now I must make haste!" said Sir Francis as he got up and strode away quickly. "There's just time for me to leave the ship before she goes up!"

But just before Sir Francis reached the stairs, Red Gelé appeared before him with his sword drawn.
"So, I've caught you!" he roared.
Red Gelé charged at Sir Francis and they began to fight.

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