The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn Part 3

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Disclaimer: I. OWN. NOTHING.


The sound of the beam hitting the wall was like thunder; the wall and even the theater shook from the powerful strike.

Unfortunately, Oscar's captors heard it, too.
Two individuals were shown in a little office-like room presumably somewhere around Oscar's prison: a man and a woman, both middle aged, and with black hair and red eyes.
They were Qrow and Raven Branwen.

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"You kidnapped Oscar?!" let out Jaune in disbelief.

"Impossible!" cried Ruby.

Qrow was too stunned to speak, simply staring at the screen with his eyes agape while whiskey poured all over the floor from the glass in his hand.

"Did you hear that?" asked Raven.

"Yes," said Qrow. "A muffled thud. It shook the whole house."

Qrow was wearing a black business suit, with a grey vest between his shirt and his jacket, and a fluffy red tie. He was sitting on a padded office chair.
Raven wore a brownish red attire - like the color of a brick wall, composed of a long skirt, a vest over a white shirt, and a bowl-shaped hat with a black ribbon wrapped around it. She stood next to Qrow.


"There it is again..." said Raven.
"That's odd..." said Qrow. "As if it came from the cellars..."
"From the cellars?" wondered Raven. "But..."
"By thunder!" Qrow interrupted as he stood up from his chair. "It must be Oscar. I expect he's calling us - to tell us where those scrolls are hidden..."

"Ugh, villains!" spat Weiss.

"Please get out of there quickly..." Nora encouraged Oscar.

The two of them walked up to their end of the speaking tube.
Qrow leaned in while Ravenstood by him to listen.
"Hello?" he said into the tube. "Hello Oscar?... Hello!... Hello!... That's funny: he's not answering..."
"But the noise is going on..." said Raven.

"I can't believe it!" cried Yang in shock. "I'd expect that from Raven, but not from you!"

"Uncle Qrow!" cried Ruby.
They looked at Qrow who was shaking his head shamefully.

"We need to get to the bottom of this," said Qrow as he started to walk away. "Come with me; we'll see what's happening."

Qrow and Raven walked down the hallway to the sound of more thuds and booms.
They continued down into a spiraling flight of stairs.

Oscar pulled the beam back again.
"Now," he said. "One last go: the wall's cracked already, so..."

He sent the beam ramming into the wall, and with a loud crashing sound, it crumbled to beats.
"Hooray, there she goes!" oscar cheered on himself.

But something happened that Oscar did not expect: from the hole he made in the wall, music came loud and clear.

He peered in and saw a hallway flooded with historical and artistic artifacts. On the floor laid a relatively big music box, that fell from a cabinet that Oscar's makeshift ram knocked over.

"Everything there must be worth a fortune!" exclaimed Weiss.

"There he is!" Qrow's shouting voice came from behind Oscar suddenly.
Qrow and Raven were shown standing in the now open steel door.

RWBY: Oscar's slice of the multiverse Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu