Cat's sweater

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It was another night but this night was a rainy night. It was raining really hard just rain no wind.
Connor was just in he's bed reading another book about master fang. He just couldn't wait to read it tomorrow so here he is reading late at night. When Connor went to the next chapter he heard a voice outside and the voice was very similar to someone he knew.

When he looked outside it was NN calling out to someone, someone called teeny. His tiny ninjalino.

Connor's pov- it looks like he lost one of he's ninjalinos.

Connor was sad that NN was out in the cold looking for he's tiny brother. So as the hero he is, he grabbed a umbrella and went outside to NN.

C- NN! Hey!

NN looked and saw Connor running towards him.

NN- What do you want kitty boy.

C- here to get you out the rain.

NN- I can't leave I'm looking for someone

C- Okay but you have to come inside, you'll get sick if you don't.

NN just signed and followed him inside.

C- Okay come on my room is upstairs.

They went to he's room.

C- Okay so uhh how did you lose one of your ninjalinos?

NN- Well, it was about to rain so we all went to Romeo's lap truck thingy. By all I mean lunagirl me the Wolfies and my ninjalinos. So then teeny forgot something when we was all running to he's lap so I told him he could go get it after that it started raining so I tried looking for him

C- oh, I'm sorry NN

NN- Yea.

After that NN's phone ding

C- You have a phone?

NN- yeah, don't you?

C- Well yea but I just thought well nvm. How does your phone still work?

NN- idk?

He looked at the message and it was lunagirl saying teeny came back where are you.

NN- looks like teeny is back that's good but now she's saying where I am at.

C- Well go ahead and tell her

NN- I did

Lunagirl's text: What!? Fr?

NN's text: yea he just took me in

Lunagirl's text: okay good thing you're safe I'll take care of the ninjalinos for you don't worry

NN's text: thanks see you after this storm.

Lunagirl's text: yea cya.

NN- Welp she will be taking care of my ninjalinos while I just stay here.

C- okay good now umm we just need to get you some clothes

NN- wait what

C- well your all cold and wet so I'll just give you some of mine.

NN- oh okay-

Connor pulled out a sweater that looked like he's hero suit.

NN- wth? Who made that?

C- Oh on Halloween someone was recording me doing the gekko dance and it looks like it got viral.
So someone made a sweater out of it for free and send it to me, oh btw I gave them my address just in case you were trying to figure that out.

NN- oh cool

C- oh you can also wear my pants

NN- great I'm going to be looking like a PJ pest.

C- yea you are, go ahead the bathroom is right thereee.

NN left to change.

Few minutes later

C- taking forever you know

NN- yea yea hold on.

Then he came out.

C- finally you cam- oh NN, why aren't you wearing the pants.

NN- I don't sleep with pants

C- you know you can't just do that in someone's house right?

NN- like I care

C- ofc you don't, just come in bed

NN- Don't say it like that

C- y?

NN- sounds like a couple thing to say

C- oh-

Then NN laid on the right side while Connor laid on the left.

NN- okay look you face your side I'll face mine

C- okay I got it.

Then they turned around and the walls.

A few minutes past Connor was still up reading he's book while NN was sleeping. Connor looked and saw NN shivering. So he's about to do something that NN will not like. He put he's book down turned to NN side and hugged him from behind.

NN felt him he was about to push him but all he's trying to do is be nice and help him so, he turned to Connor's side and put his face into he's neck and went to sleep.

Connor was really red like a apple or a cherry, his heart was pounding. Then NN whisper

NN- clam down I'm not gonna do nothing just go to sleep.

Connor just took a deep breath and just laid he's head on NN's pillow and fell asleep next to him.


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