Jamie} A Rude Interview

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This short story is dedicated to @roryluvz who wanted a story where Y/N gets uncomfortable at an interview and Jamie comforts her. Sorry love, if this wasn't what you'd had in mind, but I tried my best :)


You tug the bottom of your red dress as you wait outside the door with your boyfriend Jamie Bower. You're both about to be called in for an interview. Meeting people was always nerve wracking for you, let alone being asked questions on camera for the first time.

Jamie notices your fidgeting- of course he would. He notices everything about you, from your facial expressions to the way your nose scrunches up when you laugh.

He leans down. "Love, it's okay, there's nothing to be worried about," he whispers near you ear.

You can't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Easy for you to say Jamie Campbell Bower ." You sass back in a mocking tone.

Jamie just smiles, and your heart almost skips a beat. "Well, I'll be here the whole time, right by your side where I should be."

Nodding, you take his hand in your own, and Jamie gives in an encouraging squeeze.

Suddenly the door opens and you walk in taking a seat.

The interviewer looks like he could be in his 50s with a ratty moustache and greying hair slicked back.

"So, I'm Sean." the interviewer begins. "And you are Jamie Campbell Bower, and of course - Y/N Y/L/N. Welcome."

You smile. "Hi Sean, thanks for inviting us."

"Okay, I've been given a lot of questions from fans, but I've narrowed them down so I don't take up too much of your time. I'm sure you have a lot to get back to." He says, smirking. "How long have you guys been together?"

Jamie intwines your fingers once more. "Almost two years now."

Sean nods. "Okay" he drags out the word, "Getting serious now."

"So Jamie, what were your initial thoughts when you first saw Y/N?" Sean asks.

"Well I actually-" before Jamie can finish, Sean interrupts him.

"- It's fine, I'll answer for you. You saw this hot piece of ass," He continues gesturing to you, smirking, "and you were like, I'm gonna bang that girl the moment we're alone."

You tense up as soon as he says it. What?

You see Jamie's eyes narrow. "I was going to say that I thought Y/N was a lovely person with a beautiful personality and I wanted to get to know her." He turns to you and smiles warmly.

You can't help but smile back, posture easing, but not completely. And Sean's not finished yet.

"Sure, son. Now, this is a question for Y/N." Sean clears his throat. "When was the last time you got laid."

The question hits you by surprise, but it shouldn't really. Sean doesn't seem to mind asking personal questions. In fact he lives for it.

"I- uhm... Well-" You stutter.

Jamie looks like he's about to cut in, but Sean gets there first. "It's okay. Don't be such a prude, the people want to know. C'mon, give them the gossip. And, if the last guy wasn't Jamie, I don't blame you. Plenty of guys would want to bed the Y/N Y/L/N. I mean, look at you."

You've stopped breathing. Partly from the fact that you realised the whole media would be watching this but mostly from his comment. What did he mean, he wouldn't blame you cheating?

Jamie Campbell Bower x Fem! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now