Rex Lapis walked away with the basket in his hands as he sighed, his eyes widened again as he closed his eyes deeply.

'Who did they murder now...'


Everybody finished their baths except Alatus as you were confused on why he was taking longer, everybody giggled as they assumed he was probably shoving his favourite food into his mouth as he didn't get to eat.

"Y/a/n! Could you braid my hair?" Bonanus asked, you nodded in agreement as you sat down behind Bonanus who was already on the grass, waiting for you.

You began to braid her hair as she hummed happily, meanwhile the other Yakshas felt jealousy but chose to sit on the ground alongside you and Bonanus and wait their turns.

You gave Bonanus a braid, you gave Indarias a high ponytail with a couple of braids in it, you gave Menogias a bun with a braid wrapped around it and Bosacius mini braids that end off with pigtails.

You loved giving them braids... only for one reason...

Quick Flashback

You were walking around your village, carrying a basket which was full of fruit and vegetables such as Apples, Sunsettias, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Onions and more to give to the neighbours.

"Y/n!" you hear a voice behind you, you turned around to notice your aunt and little sister who seemed to be waiting for you as your eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" you asked them, noticing your little sister who seemed to be extremely excited while your aunt who chuckled.

"Your Sister here is wanting you to braid her hair" your aunt spoke, you sighed as you placed the basket on the ground "I... don't even know how to braid hair..." you spoke.

"It's fine... I'll help you so then you could learn!" your aunt spoke, you all sat down on the grass as you sat behind your little sister, your aunt sat beside you as she showed you slowly step-by-step.

"There! You did it!" she spoke excitedly, your eyes sprinkled in joy as you realized how gorgeous your little sister's hair looked, you chose to do your aunt's hair as she giggled.

"They look amazing, Y/n! Thank you!" your aunt spoke, your little sister and your aunt laughed as you watched and felt the corners of your mouth lift up slowly... it was a good feeling too...

End of Flashback

"Y/a/n? Y/A/N!" you heard shouting, you looked to realize that everybody seemed to look at you worriedly as Alatus who seemed to finally be done with his bath.

"Apologizes... I must have zoned out again-" before you could finish, Alatus sat in front of you with his back facing you, waiting for you to do his hair as well.

You sighed as you braided Alatus' hair which rested on the sides of his face, you pushed them behind his ears as you placed the ends of the braids together and tied it all up in the back.

"Thank you..." Alatus mumbled, blushing intensely as his mind was screaming in excitement that you touched his hair, you sighed as you got up.

"Where are you going, y/a/n?" Bonanus asked, placing her hands on her chest as you rotated your head and spoke back towards her "To go get a bath... Alatus made me bloody, remember?" you spoke, Bonanus nodded.

"You should all head off to sleep, it's already evening and you had a mission that lasted for a week..." you mumbled, everybody agreed sadly due to them having hopes that you could cuddle them to sleep.

You then left as they all sighed, getting ready for bed... meanwhile Rex Lapis was planning some stuff that you were unaware about...



Anyways what should Y/n's Catalyst be called? I'm interested in seeing some names and maybe one of them will be chosen? 😈

Anyways I hope you enjoyed Chapter 7! and please do stay tuned for the next chapter!! Bye bye for now!! <33

Word Count - 1255

The 6th Yaksha... | Yandere Yakshas x Reader |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin