Zims Special Plan - PT 1

8 0 0

Words: 406
Time Taken: 32 minutes
Inspiration: None

It was a warm summer day, light shined thru the half shut curtains onto the floor creating streaks of the golden suns rays. Dib awoke and sat up, rubbing his eyes lightly. He reached over, grabbing his glasses, and placing them onto his face. The black haired boy let out a soft sigh as he tossed his blanket off of him and threw his legs over the side of the bed, standing up and changing into his normal clothes, a blue t-shirt, a black trench coat, and black jeans. He reached next to the spot where his glasses once laid and grabbing a brush, softly beginning to stroke the brush across his hair.

Once the boy finished he looked in a mirror, flashing a smile to himself. He then left his room and walked down the stairs with his hand on the stair railing, as he walked it made a soft tapping noise. Once he got the the end of the stairs he made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a slice of bread and placing it into the toaster. After a few minutes the toast popped up from out of the warm metal box. His younger sister Gaz was already awake, eating a peice of burnt toast and playing games on a Gameboy.

Time passed and he finished his breakfast, checking the time he realized that if he didn't leave soon he would be late. He ran to his room, slipped on his boots, grabbed his bag and dashed out of his room, almost tripping down the stairs. He swung open the front door and stepped thru it, slamming it shut as he began to run again.

____Mini Time Skeep___

Dib arived at skool a few minutes later, Zim was already there at his desk, playing with a pen as he looked around. Once he spotted the black haired boy he shot him an evil grin. Dib glared at the alien and sat down at his desk and waited for Mrs. Bitters to come into the classroom. After a while the tall, slender, grumpy woman walked into the classroom. Everyone went quiet and the only noise that could be heard was the clicking of Mrs. Bitters high heeled boots as they hit the ground.

Zim silently played with the pen, clicking it out of boredom. Zim had a plan for later that day, a good one at that...


Part 2 Coming soon..

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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