To Europe!

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Korekiyo's alarm went off at the crack of dawn almost every morning, but now it was especially early. This was because he had a plane to catch by 7am. Korekiyo got up slowly as if it were killing him, it practically was. Korekiyo had to get up at 4am to get ready but he had barely gotten any sleep.

Though, he knew that if he stalled any longer he would most likely miss his flight. He had picked an outfit the day before so he didn't have to decide that in the early morning. It was late October, so he had picked a turtleneck, as to not get cold. The shirt had one of his favorite rock bands, he picked cargo pants as it was the first thing he could find.

He had to get to the airport obviously, so he had gotten in the car after making sure no lights here on in his house. The airport was about an hour away so he had downloaded a playlist beforehand; the same band as his shirt. There wasn't too much traffic because it was so early and Korekiyo could get to the airport pretty quickly.

Once Korekiyo got to the airport and got through the checking he sat in the corner. "That's over,, now I just need to wait," He checked his watch "27 minutes,," He sighed. As he plugged in his headphones he heard little kids screaming and playing tag. "How it is to be so young.." he mumbled. He didn't have time to worry about any of that. He remembered that he had an offline game on his phone and decided to play that for the time being instead of worrying too much.

It was time for the plane to take off. He waited until it was his 5urn to board and searched for his seat. "16.. that will be right there," He whispered to himself while searching for his seat. The flight was a few hours long, so he plugged in his earphones and tried to sleep. He couldn't. There were small children yelling and too much going on.

He resorted to playing the offline game on his phone. It was quite a nice game, he played as a cube cat trying to find his way out of a haunted house. He played that on the flight with his music playing in the backround.

A few hours later the plane landed. He had to find an inn or hotel to stay in while he was there. He had booked a hotel a few miles away from the airport, so he could easily find it again. Korekiyo was getting quite hungry so he checked his watch "12:30," He quietly said.

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