Chapter One

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"I don't understand, why hasn't he called?" Rain asked from where she was sat in the passenger seat of the Impala, her laptop was resting on her legs, so hot from being used for hours that Rain was glad she couldn't feel her legs, "same, but Sammy will know what to do," Dean sighed, Dean normally knew what to do, but this time they had done everything Rain, Zaya and Dean could think of so they were going to the last option they had.

Getting Sam from college.

"I hate dragging him away," Zaya said leaning inbetween her brother and sister. "Sam, Zay, but what else can we do?" Dean asked, glancing at Zaya in the backseat. "I don't know, we could call Uncle Bobby or Uncle Rufus," Zaya suggested. Rain snorted in laughter at the thought of that, "if we got Uncle Rufus involved then Uncle Bobby would get involved and either way it would end with Dad getting shot," Rain explained. Zaya huffed a little, she had secretly kept in contact with Sam for the two years he had been away, he was doing really good and had a girlfriend, she didn't want to drag her brother away from someone that made him happy.

"Its ok Zaya, we'll go and get Sammy and then we'll find dad," Dean said. It was silent in the impala for a few seconds, only the sound of Metallica filled the air, Rain remembered that when she got out of rehab she would lay in the backseat, her legs stretched cross Dean's lap and her head in Sam's, Zaya would ride in the front seat. Metallica would be playing and Rain would know that everything was going to be ok because she had her family.

"Watcha thinking about?" Dean asked noticing how Rain had that look she would always have when she was deep in thought. "I'm just thinking about how when I first got out of rehab I would know everything was goong to be ok," Rain explained looking over at Dean in the driver's seat. He gulped a little and looked like he was holding back tears. "I still feel guilty about the accident," Dean said. Rain reached over and took her brothers hand in hers, "you don't have to," she said, knowing it would be useless and that he would probably always feel guilty about it, but for a little while she didn't want him too because she would always be greatful for him being there for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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