Never give up chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"Please" I said moving my head away from his hand

"Oh come on baby I'm just being nice" he winked

I pushed my brain into the sending mode and I thought hard about Kevin

'Kevin please hurry down stairs I'm scared' I sent

I waited but no reply.

"You want to stay with me tonight? I'll keep you away from the big bad wolf" he teased taking my wrist forcefully pulling me to his chest

"Please stop!" I said stomping my foot down

"Ohh sassy" he hissed in my ear

He nibbled on my ear and I thought I was going to throw up.

"Back off Luke" I heard a husky voice said

"Oh I'm so scared! Go find another slut to go play with like you always do" Luke hissed at Kevin

"She's mine!" Kevin said pouncing on Luke bringing him to the ground.

I lost my balence and fell back watching Kevin beat Luke. Kevin and Luke tumbled around on the ground until the head Alfa came and broke them up.

"STOP NOW" he said in his Alfa tone making the walls vibrate.

"My office now Luke" he said glaring at Luke

"Take care of her Kevin" he said patting Kevin on the back

Kevin nodded then bowed as the Alfa walked into his office with Luke.

"Thanks" I said as Kevin helped me off the floor.

"You used your mind messages" he smiled

"Yeah I thought about what you told me" I said brushing off my butt.

"Well that's Luke the pack player" Kevin said rolling his eyes

I started to the stairs but Kevin took my Hand, his hand was big but mine fit his like a glove.

"Let's go for a walk" he smiled opening the large door.

I looked out onto the beautiful property to see little kids chasing each other, elders talking about their past loves, teens laughing at text messages, and moms exchanging dinner recipes. But what caught my eye the most was the fighters training. It amazed me of how they could shift half way like Kevin did earlier today but not go all out wolf.

"Cool right" he smiled reading my thoughts

"Kevin how do you keep doing that?!" I laughed

I realized we were sill holding hands.

Did he want me to let go or was he just being nice?

"I don't want to let go I like this" he said in his husky voice making me shiver.

I blushed that he hear that.

"I like it too" I replied not realizing what I just said

I looked up and he was also blushing.

"Hey Kevin" a girl said walking up to us.

She totally ignored me like I wasn't even there.

"Do I know you?" He asked confused at the girl

She was as tall as Kevin and Kevin was tall! She had bleached red hair and had grass green eyes, her skin was as pale as snow!

"You forget so quickly" she said twisting her hair around her long skinny finger.

"Umm really I don't know you" he said being as serious as possible

"Ahh Kevin! Remember you went to that bar after the huge fight you just fought with those refuges and you got a little tipsy so I helped you out by taking you to my room" she sneered hoping I had heard the piecing words

I dropped Kevin's hand when he didn't respond.

"Stop" he commanded her

"Ohh I remember when you told me that, we were both drenched in sweat and you were trying to sound so Alfa like but we all know you are just going to always he a Beta" she hissed

I know Kevin was wrong to sleep with her but that was his past so why should I even care. But this chick just crossed the line when she started hurting him like that

"Now who the fuck do you think your talking to" I said standing in front of Kevin

"Excuse me?" She said raising her eye brow

"You heard me bitch! You have no right to talk to him like that! His Alfa just lost someone close to his heart so of course he needed a drink who wouldn't! So then you and your slutty self take advantage of him and now your going to call him names and tell him he's worthless! Look at your self do you know how many people hate you because you can't keep your junk in your fucking pants!" I yelled

"Come on Kevin lets get out of here" I said taking his hand and walking away.

We didn't talk but we also didn't release hands.

"Thanks" he said breaking the silence.

"For what" I asked but didn't know I said it so coldly.

He hung his head in disappointment, but not at me but at himself

"For sticking up for me over there" he replied

I nodded my head out of words

"Umm y-yeah" I said looking out into the green field

"Look I'm sorry" he replied feeling that I was mad

"For what?" I snapped

"For sleeping with her!" He replied

I let go of his hand and I felt my heart fall

"Why are you sorry to me I'm not your mate" I replied not knowing what I had just said

He looked out onto the pond and I saw tears form in his eyes but he tried hard not to let them fall.

"I know" he chocked

I hung my head knowing he was hurting and I could feel it.

"I'm suck a dick" he mumbled to himself

I looked up at his beautiful face and pulled my confidence together and touched his chin so he could look into my eyes.

"Your not a dick,maybe a asshole" I giggled

I saw him smile.

"You made a mistake it's okay, I do to! But that was your past" I whispered to him.

He did something he has never done before. He leaned down and brushed his lips on mine. I felt shocks flow threw my body and I thought something inside me was going to bust open.

"KEVIN! We heard Aram call

Kevin pulled from his 'almost' kiss and turned his attention on Aram

"Yes Alfa?" He asked

His voice made chills run down my spin and it felt so good.

"We have training in 15. Izzie you will be learning how to fight too" Aram said Turing to walk back to the pack house

"Wait me fighting?!" I jumped

"You have a problem with that?" He asked trying to sound tough

"Acctuly I do! Aram you know I haven't shifted yet so why would I fight?" I asked

"You will learn" he growled and walked away

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry I got your back" Kevin giggled

Just posted a pitcher of Luke on the side

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